Tripura High Court: Reinstatement Not Automatic in Case of Dismissal Order Overturned for Procedural Flaws


Case title: Rajesh Das VS Society for Tripura Medical College & Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Memorial Teaching Hospital & ANR

Case no.: WA No. 17 of 2024

Dated on:  19TH MARCH OF 2024



The learned writ court by the impugned order dated 12th February, 2024 set aside the order of dismissal of the petitioner dated 28th April, 2023 and directed the respondent employer to start the proceeding from the stage of evidence, as it was of the view that the petitioner had been dismissed from the service on the basis of the statements he made in his written statement. Before us the appellant is aggrieved as there is no direction for reinstatement pending fresh departmental enquiry from the stage of evidence. On the part of the appellant, learned senior counsel, Mr. P Roy Barman, submits that as per Articles of Charges No. I, II & III as per Memorandum dated 30th December, 2020, the petitioner was charged with criticizing the respondent-Society through his social media accounts i.e. Twitter handle relentlessly and had also indulged in indiscipline to disturb normal functioning of the Society. He was alleged to be involved in activities which were detrimental to the interest of the Society by posting offensive posts on his social media account criticizing the functioning the society though being an employee of the Society. He was also alleged to have left his work place during working hours without permission of his Controlling Authority and as such, was liable for indisciplined behaviour. Earlier, writ petitioner had approached this court in WP(C) No.700/2021, being aggrieved by the issuance of the memorandum of the charges. The learned writ court vide order dated 10th January, 2022 directed the Disciplinary Authority to take a fresh look in the objections raised by the petitioner by way of his representation dated 26th August, 2021. If it was found that the Facebook post, which is the source of Disciplinary Proceeding, has in any way, directly or indirectly criticized the appointment of the respondent No.3, the principle of fairness would warrant removal of respondent No.3. Else he should be allowed to continue as the Inquiry Officer. Pursuant thereto, the Inquiry Officer was changed vide Order dated 21st January, 2022.


  • Whether the Disciplinary Proceedings Violated Principles of Natural Justice:
  • whether the petitioner’s actions, allegedly criticizing the respondent-Society on social media, were protected under the right to freedom of speech and expression.
  • whether the petitioner should be reinstated to his position pending the outcome of a fresh departmental inquiry, following the setting aside of the dismissal order.


Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution of India: This article guarantees the right to freedom of speech and expression. The petitioner had invoked this right to justify his criticism of the respondent-Society on social media, arguing that it should not be a ground for disciplinary action.


The Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that though the petitioner denied having any Twitter handle ID to post such comments and refuted the charges under Article ‘I’ as baseless but without properly adducing the offending posts as evidence in the Disciplinary Proceeding, the Inquiry Officer proceeded to hold him guilty. His written statement of defence is at Annexure-12 at page 88. He has also referred to the rebuttal of his defence statement reflected in the inquiry report as contained in the second show cause notice vide memorandum dated 21st March, 2023 (Annexure-13) wherein the inquiry officer has categorically stated that the AO was denying uploading of any FB or Twitter postings concerning the internal affairs of TMC as charged by the Disciplinary Authority. It is submitted that the petitioner had also taken a plea of Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution of India to criticize the follies of the management. As such, the learned Writ Court found that the impugned order of dismissal was passed only on the basis of his defence statement. However, the learned Writ Court while setting aside the order of dismissal did not issue any direction for consequential relief, i.e. reinstatement in service pending departmental inquiry. Learned senior counsel for the petitioner has placed reliance on para 31 of the Constitution Bench judgment rendered by the Apex court in the case of Managing Director, ECIL, Hyderabad & Ors. vs. B. Karunakar & Ors. reported in (1993) 4 SCC 727. He submits that in such a case when the dismissal has been set aside on account of violation of principles of natural justice in conduct of Disciplinary Inquiry the proper course for any court or tribunal is to direct restatement of the delinquent during the period of departmental enquiry though the question of back wages etc. would arise only on conclusion of the fresh inquiry. As such, the impugned order may be interfered to that extent.


The Learned senior counsel for the respondents, Mr. SS Dey submits that the inquiry proceedings have been conducted in a proper manner after due opportunity to the petitioner to submit his defence statement and after service of the inquiry report along with the second show cause notice whereby the punishment of termination from service was proposed. As such, the learned Writ Court was not right in setting aside the penalty of dismissal from service and directing fresh inquiry to restart the proceedings from the stage of evidence. He has also countenanced the plea of reinstatement pending Departmental inquiry raised by the appellant. He has also referred to the same decision of the Apex court in the case of B Karunakar (supra). He submits that para 31 of the report which contains the opinion of the three judges comprising the majority do not specifically convey that reinstatement is automatic. If the observations of the Apex court at para 31 are looked into in detail, the order of punishment in this case has not been set aside on non-service of inquiry report, as was the case therein. The order of termination had been set aside to restart the disciplinary inquiry from the stage of evidence, as according to the learned Writ Court, the punishment was based only on the defence statement of the delinquent, which finding is not correct.


We have considered the submissions of the learned counsel for the parties and taken note of the relevant materials placed on record as referred to hereinabove. In the present case, the order of termination has been set aside by the learned Writ Court being persuaded by the plea that the findings of the inquiry officer suffered from violation of principles of natural justice as the Presenting Officer had not established the charges by adducing evidence of such offending social media posts alleged to have been posted by the delinquent employee. Instead, though the delinquent employee had denied that he had no Twitter handle ID and that the posts were not from his mobile either but the Inquiry Officer proceeded to hold the charges established. As such, the penalty imposed upon the petitioner was only on the basis of his defence statement. The petitioner, however, is aggrieved by the impugned order only to the extent that despite setting aside of the order of dismissal the learned Writ Court did not direct reinstatement pending departmental inquiry. Though reliance had been placed on para 31 of the Constitution Bench judgment of the Apex Court on such plea but on a reading of the said judgment and as has been considered and interpreted in subsequent decisions of the Apex Court, we are of the view that the plea of the petitioner for automatic reinstatement upon setting aside of the dismissal order is not tenable. This view finds further support from the subsequent decisions rendered by the Apex Court such as Union of India Vs. YS Sadhu, Ex-Inspector reported in (2008) 12 SCC 30 (para 3&7), Chairman, Life Insurance Corporation of India and Ors. Vs. A. Masilamani reported in (2013) 6 SCC 530 (Para 16 & 17) and State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors. Vs. Rajit Singh, reported in (2022) 15 SCC 254 (para 12-14) wherein the Apex Court after noticing the Constitution Bench decision in the case of B Karunakar (supra) had occasion to hold that once the court sets aside an order of punishment, on the ground that the inquiry was not properly conducted, the court cannot reinstate the employee. It must remit the case dismissal. The instant appeal is disposed of with the aforesaid modification(s) in the impugned order. Pending application(s), if any, also stand disposed of.

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Judgement Reviewed by – HARIRAGHAVA JP

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“Lack of Discipline Among Disciplined Forces Deemed as the Gravest Act of Misconduct: Punjab and Haryana High Court”

Case title: The State of Punjab and others v. Ex. Constable Amarjit Singh

Case no.: RSA-4995 of 1999

Dated on: 22nd February 2024

Coram: Justice Namit Kumar


Ex. Constable Amarjit Singh filed a suit for declaration challenging his dismissal from service by the Comdt. 13th Bn PAF Jalandhar Cantt. The plaintiff alleged that the dismissal order was illegal, void, and violated principles of natural justice. He claimed reinstatement with all monetary benefits attached to the service. The plaintiff argued that the disciplinary proceedings against him were conducted ex parte without proper notice or opportunity to defend himself. The defendants, on the other hand, contended that the plaintiff wilfully absented himself from duty, leading to the departmental inquiry and subsequent dismissal.


Argued that the plaintiff’s absence from duty for 44 days and 23 hours constituted grave misconduct, justifying his dismissal. They claimed that the disciplinary proceedings were conducted in accordance with the law and principles of natural justice.

A Division Bench of the Court in State of Haryana and others v. Gurdev Singh, 1981(3) SLR 130 observed as under: “To our mind, the cases with regard to misconduct on the part of the police officers while on duty have not to be interfered with by the Courts lightly unless it is found that the action has been taken wantonly or arbitrarily.”

State of Punjab and others v. Chamkaur Singh – has held that act of absence from duty by a member of disciplined force without information shows the lack of discipline.

No representation on behalf of the respondent.


Rule 16.2 of the Punjab Police Rules reads as under: – Dismissal – (1) Dismissal shall be awarded only for the gravest acts of misconduct or as the cumulative effect of continued misconduct proving incorrigibility and complete unfitness for police service. In making such an award regard shall be had to the length of service of the offender and his claim to pension.

(2) If the conduct of an enrolled police officer leads to his conviction on a criminal charge and he is sentenced to imprisonment, he shall be dismissed: Provided that a punishing authority may, in an exceptional case involving manifestly extenuating circumstances for reasons to be recorded and with the prior approval of the next higher authority impose any punishment other than that of dismissal: Provided further that in case the conviction of an enrolled police officer is set aside in appeal or revision, the officer empowered to appoint him shall review his case keeping in view the instructions issued by the Government from time to time in this behalf.


  • Whether the orders of dismissal passed against the respondent were legal and justified.
  • Whether the suit filed by the respondent is maintainable & Locus standi of the plaintiff.
  • Validity of notice under Section 80 CPC.


The Court examined the relevant provisions, including Rule 16.2 of the Punjab Police Rules, which govern dismissal from service. It considered precedents highlighting the gravity of misconduct in disciplined forces and the importance of maintaining discipline.

The Court emphasized that the plaintiff’s absence from duty, especially during basic training, demonstrated a lack of discipline, a fundamental requirement in the police force. It cited case law supporting the view that interference with disciplinary action should be minimal unless the action is wanton or arbitrary.

Ultimately, the Court concluded that the dismissal order was justified given the gravity of the misconduct. The plaintiff’s short service tenure and absence without leave further supported this decision. The Court allowed the appeal, setting aside the judgments of the lower courts and dismissing the plaintiff’s suit.

The case underscores the significance of discipline in disciplined forces and the courts’ reluctance to interfere with disciplinary actions unless they are arbitrary or disproportionate. It reaffirms the principle that grave misconduct warrants appropriate disciplinary measures, including dismissal from service.

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Judgement Reviewed by – Chiraag K A

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Constitutional Courts should refrain from directives unless exceptional circumstances warrant them.: Supreme court.

High Court Bar Association v. State of U.P. & Ors Judgement is been delivered by Chief Justice of India, Dr Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud, Justice Abhay S. Oka, Justice J. B. Pardiwala and Justice Manoj Misra. The case involves an order dated December 1, 2023, where a three-judge bench expressed reservations about the Asian Resurfacing case, suggesting reconsideration by a larger bench. Asian Resurfacing dealt with the framing of charges under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, and introduced the automatic vacation of stay orders after six months.

Asian Resurfacing held that the framing of charges is neither interlocutory nor final, granting High Court’s jurisdiction to review framing orders. It emphasized the deleterious effects of trial delays, issuing directives for stays, emphasizing exceptional cases, and setting a six-month limit on stays. The order of reference questions whether, under Article 142, the court can mandate the automatic vacation of all interim orders after a set period and direct day-to-day hearings within a fixed period. The court expresses concern about the potential miscarriage of justice arising from automatic stay vacation without judicial scrutiny.

Submissions and Arguments made by the appellant argues that automatic stay vacation is judicial legislation, and Article 226’s powers are integral to the Constitution. They contend that granting interim relief requires judicial discretion, and the six-month limit is unjust. The Solicitor General supports these arguments and adds that laws must respect principles of natural justice. The court reflects on the object of interim orders, emphasizing their aid to the final relief sought. It underscores the cautious approach in serious cases and the need to prevent unnecessary remands, contributing to docket explosion.

When a High Court grants an ad-interim order of stay, it is a provisional measure issued without providing an opportunity for all parties to be heard. Ad-interim orders have a limited duration and are not problematic in nature. The High Courts retain the authority to vacate or modify such orders after granting an opportunity for all parties to present their arguments. High Courts can consider vacating or modifying interim relief orders under various circumstances, including:

  • Delay Tactics:If a litigant intentionally prolongs proceedings by seeking unwarranted adjournments or remaining absent during hearings, exploiting the order of stay.
  • Suppression or Misrepresentation:If the High Court determines that the interim relief order resulted from the suppression or misrepresentation of material facts by the party benefiting from the stay.
  • Material Change in Circumstances:If there is a substantial change in circumstances that justifies interference with the earlier interim order. The passage of time may lead to such changes. These grounds are not exhaustive, and the High Court may find other valid reasons to vacate or modify an order of stay.

An interim order can come to an end if the main case, in which the interim order was issued, is disposed of by the High Court. The disposal can happen based on merits, for default, or other reasons such as the abatement of the case. A judicial order is required to vacate interim relief, and this order must be passed after hearing all contesting parties. The case stresses that vacating interim relief without hearing the beneficiary of the order goes against the principles of natural justice.

The importance of applying principles of natural justice in vacating interim relief or modifying it is highlighted. Orders should be made only after hearing all affected parties to ensure fairness and the proper application of legal principles. The case argues against the automatic vacation of interim orders based solely on the lapse of time, especially when the delay is not the litigant’s fault. It emphasizes that a lawfully passed interim order should not be rendered illegal simply due to the passage of time.

The case of Asian Resurfacing is cited, where directions were issued regarding the automatic vacation of interim orders passed by High Courts. The passage questions the applicability of such directions to all cases. Legislative attempts to provide for the automatic vacation of stay orders, as seen in the third proviso to Section 254(2A) of the Income Tax Act. In Pepsi Foods Limited case where such a provision was held to be manifestly arbitrary and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution. It emphasizes that Article 142 powers should not be used to set aside valid interim orders without proper consideration.

In the case of Prem Chand Garg the scope of power under Article 142 is discussed, the court held that while the powers are wide, they cannot be used to ignore substantive rights or contradict statutory provisions. High Courts are constitutionally independent and not judicially subordinate to the Supreme Court. The case of Tirupati Balaji Developers is cited to explain the relationship between the Supreme Court and High Courts. In the case of L. Chandra Kumar is mentioned to highlight that the power of High Courts to review legislative actions is integral to the Constitution. The case also briefly touches on Clause (3) of Article 226, which deals with the vacation of interim orders. However, it notes that the clause is applicable primarily to ex-parte ad interim orders. The directions issued in Asian Resurfacing, where it was suggested that petitions with stays must be decided within six months.

In the case of Sanjeev Coke Manufacturing Company to highlight the reservations about answering academic or hypothetical questions, particularly on serious constitutional issues. The reference to the Abdul Rehman Antulay case elucidates the inherently relative nature of the term “speedy trial.” The passage posits that the swiftness of a trial depends on multifarious factors such as the complexity of the offense, the number of accused and witnesses, court workload, and logistical challenges. This complexity is underscored by a specific example involving the accused Ranjan Dwivedi, where the examination of 151 witnesses over five years is highlighted, emphasizing the impracticality of establishing universal time limits for criminal proceedings.

The subsequent discussion on the P. Ramachandra Rao case introduces the theme of prescribing periods of limitation for trial courts, beyond which proceedings must be terminated. The passage scrutinizes the court’s stance on such prescriptions, contending that such an endeavor constitutes legislation and falls outside the purview of judicial directives. The analogy to Chapter XXXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, is drawn to illustrate the fine but perceptible line between the judiciary’s role in declaring and interpreting laws and the legislative prerogative to enact and modify laws.

The narrative then critiques the Asian Resurfacing case, particularly challenging the wisdom of certain directions issued. Notably, it questions the automatic vacation of stay orders solely based on the lapse of time and the directive to decide all cases with interim stays on a day-to-day basis. The passage argues that such sweeping directions amount to judicial legislation and asserts that only the legislature can establish specific time limits for case disposal. It raises concerns about the lack of consideration for the diverse nature of cases and the priorities of different courts.

The conclusion the Chief Justice of India emphasizes the limitations of Article 142 and the necessity to respect substantive rights and principles of natural justice. It underscores the caution required when contemplating fixed schedules for case disposal, asserting that Constitutional Courts should refrain from such directives unless exceptional circumstances warrant them. Thus, advocates for a nuanced, context-specific approach to case disposal, recognizing the intricacies involved in different legal proceedings.

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Judgement Reviewed by: Namratha Sharma

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The Kerala High Court held that Natural justice principles are essential for transferring orders, preventing stigma and bias.

Title: The Corporate Manager v. Beena Hilkushi and Ors.
Decided on: 23 November, 2023

+ WA NO. 2001/2023

CORAM: HON’BLE Justice A. Muhamed Mustaque and Justice Shoba Annamma Eapen


Recently, a Division Bench of the Kerala High Court affirmed a Single Judge’s decision to revoke a teacher employed by Corporate Managers’ transfer order.

Facts of the Case

After receiving complaints from pupils, the school manager filed an appeal against the quashing of the transfer order, claiming that the order was made because of the teacher’s wrongdoing.

Courts analysis and decision

The court emphasized that in order to avoid bias or prejudice during the transfer order-issuing process, natural justice principles must be incorporated into statute provisions. The writ appeal was therefore denied.

“PRIME LEGAL is a full-service law firm that has won a National Award and has more than 20 years of experience in an array of sectors and practice areas. Prime legal fall into a category of best law firm, best lawyer, best family lawyer, best divorce lawyer, best divorce law firm, best criminal lawyer, best criminal law firm, best consumer lawyer, best civil lawyer.”

Written by- Hargunn Kaur Makhija

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