Alternative Dispute resolution: An alternative to avoid lengthy court proceedings

Alternative Dispute resolution: An alternative to avoid lengthy court proceedings


The Indian judiciary, which is one of the oldest in the world, faces a substantial backlog of cases that remain unresolved even with the fast track courts that have been established. ADR, or alternative dispute resolution, provides workable ways to lessen this load by using strategies including Lok Adalat, arbitration, mediation, negotiation, and conciliation. The article deals with each approach, which is subject to different rules, enables the settlement of disputes outside of formal court processes and offers advantages including speedier settlements, control over the process, and confidentiality. ADR does not, however, come without disadvantages, such as a potential lack of resolution and limited enforceability. Important legal frameworks in India facilitate ADR and improve its application. This article examines the importance, advantages, disadvantages, and many forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). It also highlights the government’s initiatives to establish India as a major global centre for arbitration and conflict settlement and provides case law examples of how ADR has changed in India. ADR offers equitable and effective outcomes; ultimately, the choice of ADR method depends on the particulars of the dispute and the preferences of the parties.

Key words: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalat.


It is a well-known fact that the Indian judiciary is among the oldest in the world, but it is also getting less effective at handling cases that are still pending since Indian courts are overflowing with lengthy cases that have not been resolved. The problem is far from being resolved because there are still a large number of ongoing cases, despite the establishment of more than a thousand fast track courts that have already resolved millions of cases. All methods and procedures for resolving disputes that don’t involve the government are gathered under ADR. The most well-known alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques include transaction, negotiation, arbitration, conciliation, and mediation.  Although they are subject to various regulations, all alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques share the ability to help parties resolve their disputes in a way that is acceptable outside of formal legal or court processes. In contrast to mediation and conciliation, where a third party serves to encourage an acceptable arrangement between the parties, negotiation does not involve a third party intervening to help the parties reach an agreement. The third party, which might be one or more arbitrators, will be crucial to the arbitration process since it will produce an arbitration award that the parties must abide by. In contrast, no legally-binding conclusion is imposed by the third party in conciliation or mediation. In practice, the parties combine the use of these many ADRs, so if they are all different, they shouldn’t be compared and faced. In their contracts, for example, the parties may state that, in the event of a dispute, they will first attempt an amicable settlement (conciliation or mediation) and will only turn to a judicial method of settlement, which may include arbitration or recourse to the State justice system, if that approach fails.


ADR uses a variety of strategies to address the backlog of cases in Indian courts, which is a big concern in India. The Indian judiciary receives scientifically established approaches from the Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism, which lessens the workload on the courts. ADR offers several ways to settle disputes, including as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, and lok Adalat. In this context, negotiation refers to the parties’ self-counseling to settle their disagreement, nevertheless, In India, negotiation is not legally recognized.  Articles 14 and 21, which address equality before the law and the right to life and personal liberty, respectively, are also the foundations of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The preamble’s stated goals of social, economic, and political justice as well as upholding societal integrity are the driving forces of ADR.


Through alternative dispute resolution (ADR), parties can agree to settle a dispute involving intellectual property that is protected in multiple jurisdictions in a single procedure, avoiding the cost and complexity of multi-jurisdictional litigation as well as the possibility of contradictory outcomes. Compared to court action, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) gives parties more influence over the resolution of their disagreement because it is a private process. The parties themselves may choose the best arbitrators for their dispute, in contrast to court proceedings. They can also decide on the venue, language, and applicable law for the proceedings. In court-based litigation, when familiarity with the relevant law and local processes can offer major strategic benefits, one party may benefit from a home court advantage. However, ADR can be neutral to the law, language, and institutional culture of the parties. The ADR process is confidential. As a result, the parties may decide to maintain the confidentiality of the proceedings and any conclusions. This frees them up to concentrate on the merits of the disagreement without worrying about how it will be received by the public. This may be especially crucial in cases involving trade secrets and commercial reputations. In contrast to court rulings, which are typically susceptible to challenge through one or more stages of litigation, arbitral awards are typically not appealable. In general, arbitral verdicts are recognized on par with domestic court judgements under the United Nations Convention for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral verdicts of 1958, also referred to as the New York Convention, without merit review. This makes it much easier to enforce prizes internationally.


There is not always a resolution through the alternate resolution procedure.
This implies that even after spending time and resources attempting to settle the disagreement outside of court, the parties may still need to go through with a trial by jury and litigation in order to pursue arbitration and other kinds of conflict resolution. An appeal is not possible against a neutral arbitration’s ruling, with a few notable exceptions like fraud. Conversely, a court’s rulings are typically appealable for a number of reasons. ADR awards cannot be enforced as if they were court judgements because there is no equivalent to section 66 of the Arbitration Act 1996, which states that an award made by the tribunal in accordance with an arbitration agreement may be enforced in the same manner as a judgement or order of the court to the same effect. The awards are not as readily enforceable, though. The majority of conflicts resolved through arbitrations involve money. They are unable to give injunctions because they are unable to impose instructions requiring one party to do something or refrain from doing something. Due to the lack of a disclosure requirement in arbitration that exists in litigation, there is a chance that parties will settle a dispute without fully understanding the circumstances, which could result in an incorrect conclusion. However, the majority of businessmen held the opinion that reaching a resolution quickly is preferable to squandering time and resources on a disagreement in order to reach the right conclusion. When a client requires an injunction, when there is no issue to be resolved, or when the client needs a legal decision made, alternative dispute resolution is not appropriate.



The arbitration process cannot proceed if there is not a valid arbitration agreement in effect prior to a dispute developing. Parties submit their disagreement to one or more arbitrators in this way of resolving disputes.  Parties must abide by the arbitrator’s ruling, which is referred to as the “Award.” The goal of arbitration is to resolve disputes fairly and quickly, out of court, without incurring further costs or delays. Any party to a contract that has an arbitration clause may invoke it on their own behalf or through an authorised agent, in which case the dispute will be submitted to arbitration under the terms of the arbitration agreement. An arbitration clause in this context refers to a clause that specifies the procedures, language, number of arbitrators, and seat or authorised location of the arbitration.

According to Section 8 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996, a party may petition the court to have the matter referred to an arbitration tribunal in accordance with the agreement if the other party disregards the arbitral agreement and takes the suit to civil court rather than arbitration, but not after the first statement has been submitted. The dispute will be referred to arbitration if the courts are satisfied with the application, which must contain a certified copy of the arbitration agreement.


Through the alternative dispute resolution process of mediation, two or more disputants might work with a third, impartial person to help them reach a resolution. A third party serves as a mediator in this simple and straightforward party-centered negotiation process, employing effective communication and negotiating strategies to help parties settle their differences amicably. The parties have complete control over this process. The mediator’s role is limited to assisting the parties in resolving their disagreement. The mediator does not impose his opinions or decide what constitutes a just settlement.


Although less formal in nature, conciliation is nonetheless a type of arbitration. It is the process of helping the parties to a disagreement reach a peaceful conclusion through the use of a conciliator who meets with each party separately to resolve the conflict. Conciliators meet separately in order to improve communication, reduce tension between the parties, and interpret the situation in order to facilitate a negotiated conclusion. Prior consent is not required, and it cannot be imposed onto a party that does not choose to participate in conciliation. That is how it differs from arbitration.


It is the most regularly employed alternate method of resolving disputes. A non-binding process whereby the parties start talks with each other without the help of a third party in an effort to reach a mutually agreeable settlement. Businesses, non-profits, government agencies, court cases, international relations, and private affairs like marriage, divorce, parenthood, and daily living all involve negotiation.

Lok Adalat

The Lok Adalat, often known as the “People’s Court,” is chaired by a member of the legal profession, social activists, or a serving or retired judge. In order to exercise this authority, the National Legal Service Authority (NALSA) and other Legal Services Institutions regularly hold Lok Adalats. Lok Adalat may be consulted over any matter that is still pending in a regular court or any disagreement that hasn’t been presented before a court of law. The process is quick since there are no court costs and certain procedures are followed. The court money that was initially paid in the court when the petition was filed is also returned to the parties in the event that a matter that is pending in court or referred to the Lok Adalat is settled afterwards.


Case name- Renusagar Power Co Ltd vs. General Electric

According to the Supreme Court, the goal of this Act was to expedite and advance international trade by establishing an arbitration process for the prompt resolution of trade-related disputes. It was declared that unless the parties specifically granted him such authority, an arbitrator generally lacked the capacity to clothe himself with the authority to decide the matter within his own jurisdiction. The Court further decided that the court, not the arbitrator, should make the decision regarding the contract’s validity under Section 33. The entire process would lack jurisdiction if there had been no arbitration clause in place when the arbitrators began their duties.

Case name- Bhatia International Vs Bulk Trading

The Supreme Court of India adopted Section 9 to support arbitrations seated outside of India after interpreting Part I of the Act to extend to arbitrations held outside of India. The aforementioned Act makes no mention of its provisions not applying to international commercial arbitrations held in nations that have not ratified conventions. The Act’s Part II is exclusively applicable to arbitrations conducted in nations that have signed conventions.  The court decided that Part I’s rules would automatically apply in any case where the arbitration took place in India. Nonetheless, unless the Parties have expressly or implicitly rejected all or any of Part I’s provisions, the requirements of Part I shall apply in cases of international commercial arbitrations conducted outside of India. In that instance, the Parties’ selected laws or regulations would take precedence. Any part of Part I that is expressly prohibited will not be applicable. The aggrieved parties in foreign arbitrations are now able to get interim remedy in India.


The establishment of arbitration rules, which have undergone substantial evolution over time, is where ADR techniques got their start. Over time, more alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques made their way to the Indian Parliament, which was astute enough to incorporate these novel approaches to conflict resolution. For example, the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act of 2006 and the Commercial Courts Act of 2015 make sure that these processes are used case-by-case in particular industries. In order to position India as a leading worldwide hub for arbitration and other kinds of conflict resolution, the Indian government is currently undertaking further measures to establish alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures. Effective substitutes for traditional litigation are Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) techniques such arbitration, neutral review, mediation, and settlement conferences. They provide parties the ability to settle conflicts quickly, amicably, and possibly at a considerable financial savings. Selecting the best ADR strategy will eventually support equitable and successful conflict resolution and depend on the particulars of the dispute as well as the preferences of the parties.

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Written by- Shreyasi Ghatak




Over time, ADR strategies have gained widespread acceptance and practical use in the business and corporate world. These days, arbitration is among the most popular choices, since most parties involved in a business transaction would rather use it to resolve any issue than go to court. Since many individuals now protect their intellectual rights or licence them across borders, intellectual property conflicts are often of a commercial character and may have far-reaching consequences on a global scale. Whether or if arbitration can be used to resolve intellectual property issues is the focus of this article. In that case, in what kinds of arguments might it work? The paper provides the reader with an understanding about the basics of Alternate Dispute Resolution and Intellectual Property Rights. Its analysis the scope of ADR with the perspective of the Indian as well as Foreign ADR methods. As and when the paper terminates, the paper will enhance the knowledge of the reader on two major law areas and how they are interlinked and go hand in hand.


The globalisation of industry and communication technologies means that millions of people may be reached with a single mouse click. Intellectual property (hence “IP”), like any other kind of intangible asset, has both positive and negative aspects. Intellectual property (also known as “copyright,” “patent,” “trademark,” etc.) is just as valuable as tangible assets, yet it defies easy categorization. Since its founding, it has expanded significantly, making it necessary to build a legislative framework to handle complex IP issues on a national and worldwide scale.

When essentially all significant nations joined the New York Convention, it was a key step toward building a unified, powerful international arbitration procedure in line with the goals of the UNCITRAL Model Law, which is why arbitration is so popular today. With the unprecedented Covid-19 epidemic, the necessity for arbitration has grown, since no rational person would want to participate in exorbitant and time-consuming litigation, especially in a cross-border dispute.

To what extent may arbitration be used to resolve disagreements? People who are trying to get a licence for their intellectual property in more than one country are more likely to find themselves embroiled in a conflict with another country. This study seeks to answer the issue, “Is arbitration viable in IP disputes?” If it is, then in what kinds of cases may it happen? Indian law has evolved over the years to meet changing needs, but it expressly forbids some types of conflicts from being submitted to arbitration. Can an award made outside of India for a dispute that cannot be resolved via arbitration in India be recognised and enforced in India? When deciding whether or not a dispute over intellectual property may be taken to arbitration, similar issues exist.


From the 1940 Act to the 2015 Amendment Act, Indian arbitration legislation has progressed significantly, reducing judicial participation and establishing more user-friendly and efficient standards for more impartial and successful arbitration. Although “arbitration” is in its infancy, still developing, and has yet to establish itself in India.

Historically, many legal systems have barred arbitration of intellectual property disputes on the grounds that IP rights are conferred by a sovereign body. It was believed that the validity of a right could only be called into doubt by the entity that originally granted it. Nevertheless, The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has fostered alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in intellectual property matters by establishing the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre, a neutral, international, and non-profit dispute resolution provider that provides private parties with efficient, cost-effective, and expedited options for resolving domestic and cross-border intellectual property and technology disputes outside of court.


Certain legislation in India controls the intellectual properties system, including:

  • “The Copyright Act, 1957”; 
  • “The Patents Act, 1970”;
  • “The Trade Marks Act, 1999”;
  • “The Designs Act, 2000”.

For a certain amount of time, only the holder of certain intellectual property may exercise control over it and earn the monetary benefit, as granted by these acts, known as a “Statutory monopoly.” The owner of intellectual property protected by these statutes also has the legal right to seek redress in a court of law if he or she believes that someone else is infringing on those rights.

For instance, the Copyright Act’s Sections 55–58 of Chapter XII provide the creator various rights to protect his or her work against infringement. In the event of an infringement of patent rights, the proprietor may pursue legal action under Section 104 of Chapter XVIII of the Patent Act, and may pursue legal action under Section 134 of Chapter XIII of the Trademarks Act. Importantly, District Courts have the authority to issue injunctions and other relief designed to preserve the aforementioned rights. These rights given by the aforementioned legislation are considered rights in rem rather than rights in personam by the Indian legal system and courts.

Rights in Rem vs. Rights in Personam policy is at the heart of the debate over whether or not IP issues may be arbitrated.


The Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 governs the practise of arbitration inside India. The legislation related to domestic arbitration, international commercial arbitration, and the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards has been unified and defined by considerable amendments to the act over time to bring it into conformity with the UNCITRAL model law. The courts may overturn an arbitral ruling if the issue is beyond the scope of what can be arbitrated, as stated in Section 34 (2)(b) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. Curiously, the extent of subject matter arbitrability is not defined under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any of the statutes regulating intellectual property in India. Our judicial system’s verdicts are the sole authoritative sources for its definition. 


India’s position on the arbitrability of intellectual property issues is convoluted but ultimately reasonable. The policy discussion is prompted by the split over the relative merits of rem vs persona rights and rem versus persona judgments. Controversy exists about the extent to which parties The efficacy of the Indian judicial system is being undermined by a growing pending cases and sluggish disposal rates. Incorporating arbitration in load distribution by broadening the applicability of arbitration would go a long way toward resolving the lingering problem.

It’s important to remember that the idea of “Public Policy” is vital to the notion of arbitrability. At first glance, public policy looks too vague and open-ended, but precedents can shed light on the issue of arbitrability. The basic goal is to ensure that an arbitral tribunal only decides on issues that pertain to rights that arise “in rem,” or to rights that pertain to property.

The area of rights “in rem” has been explicitly excluded from the scope of arbitration in the seminal case Booz Allen and Hamilton Inc. v. SBI Home Finance Ltd. &Ors, (2011) 5 SCC 532, which emphasised the necessity for a competent judicial authority to judge on the same. It did, however, note that rights in rem and personam cannot be completely disentangled, and that arbitration may be necessary in cases where interests in personam based on rights in rem are predominate. The appeal was then rejected by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, which acknowledged three prerequisites for an issue to be inside the purview of arbitration, they were:

There must be an arbitration agreement in place, the parties must have submitted the disagreement to arbitration, and the dispute must be amenable to adjudication and resolution by arbitration.

The case A Ayyasamy v. A. Paramasivam and Ors[1], then came along, with “non arbitrable” topics like patents, trademarks, and copyright being front and centre; yet, O.P. Malhotra’s work was mentioned in this case. Later, landmark decisions built on these precedents to clarify the intertwined but distinct ideas of IPR, therefore reducing the ambit of arbitration.

Section 62(1) of The Copyright Act does not categorically reject the jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal in intellectual property disputes that are of a commercial nature and are therefore classified as rights “in personam,” as was held in Eros International Media Limited v. Telemax Links India Pvt. Ltd. and Ors[2], However, in IPRS v. Entertainment Network, Dhanuka J[3], provided an opposing opinion. Using the Booz Allen, Vikas Sales Corporation, and Mundipharma AG, case as precedent, it held that Section 62(1) requires any complaint or proceeding for copyright infringement to be heard and decided only by a competent court.

A similar dissenting opinion was reached in the case Steel Authority of India Ltd. v. SKS Ispat and Power Ltd[4], which held that trademark and passing off claims aren’t arbitrable. The beginning of arbitration in IPR issues has been either rejected or accepted in certain situations, although the grounds for either decision are unclear.

A single cause of action cannot be subdivided if the central issue is partially arbitrable, as the court explained in Sukanya Holdings (P) Ltd. v. Jayesh H. Pandya[5]. Even though the recent landmark case Vidya Drolia V. Durga trading Corpn[6], primarily dealt with the arbitrability of landlord-tenant disputes, it did touch upon the fact that the validity of a patent and the rights accruing from a patent are distinct, making the former non-arbitrable and the latter possibly arbitrable based on the facts as well as particulars of the case.

By comparing the Supreme Court’s and other High Courts’ decisions on the arbitrability of IP issues, we can see that each precedent has sought to preserve the precarious equilibrium between rights in rem and rights in personam. Given arbitration’s growing importance, parties often choose to resolve disputes via it, despite the possibility that a court would ultimately reject the parties’ decision to do so. Nonetheless, the current situation differs from what was previously explained by Booz Allen; arbitration has been ordered for IP issues, and necessary interim reliefs and other assistance have been made available.

Arbitration is one option for resolving conflicts with patents, however it is not often employed. However, the Patent Office doesn’t really acknowledge arbitral rulings in cases of invalidity, therefore this option is unavailable for resolving invalidity disputes. Arbitration may only be used for disagreements that stem from agreements between parties, such as patent licencing disagreements.

The confidentiality of the dispute’s subject matter is the main selling point of arbitration in IP disputes. In a nation like India, however, it might be difficult to strike a middle ground between the parties’ need for privacy and the public’s right to know about conflicts involving rights in rem or third-party interests that have been the subject of arbitration proceedings. Especially in cases of revocation, when the public would benefit from knowing the conclusion, keeping such information secret would be harmful.

Although arbitration has gained widespread support as a fast and effective dispute resolution alternative, more work needs to be done in this area. Because of the far-reaching effects they have on society as a whole, arbitration cannot be used to settle disputes involving the formation of special tribunals or the creation of monopolies in favour of a person or entity. While legal and commercial differences help to clear up some of the confusion, having several, conflicting viewpoints may lead to harm that is difficult, if not impossible, to repair. The National Intellectual Property Rights Policy 2016’s vague reference to engaging in ADR mechanisms for redress does nothing to help. An all-encompassing set of rules or principles that can finally settle the debate is urgently required. Some recurring concerns might be resolved by researching how other nations handle the intersection of intellectual property rights and arbitration.


The patent system centralises the intersection between law and technology. The main challenge that the Indian Courts have is simplifying the adjudication of the issue in a way that is both cost-effective and quick, given the technical expertise involved in patent disputes. Interim injunctions and appeals about them have been at the centre of every conflict involving patent law in India. To settle patent disputes, arbitration has been supported by several nations. Article 103 of the Patent Act of 1970 specifies arbitration as a means of resolving legal issues. The future of fair patent infringement trials may lie on the closer integration of alternative dispute resolution processes.


Courts in the United States have exclusive jurisdiction over IP disputes because of concerns about monopolistic IP rights and the interests of society involved. The subject of whether intellectual property (IP) disputes should be addressed by courts and arbitral tribunals was recently attempted in Henry Schein, Inc., et al. v. Archer & White Sales, Inc.

But in modern times, the United States has chosen a polished, unequivocal method by writing arbitration and when it should be employed into their separate federal legislation. The decline of patent litigation in particular bolstered support for arbitration as a viable substitute. For instance, the United States Patent Act (USPA)  permits parties to submit patent validity, enforcement, interference, or infringement disputes to binding arbitration if both parties agree. The arbitration process allows for some procedural leeway and maintains confidentiality, both of which are essential to protecting intellectual property rights. The court ruled in Scan-Graphics, Inc. v. Photomatrix Corporation[7], that the arbitral tribunal should consider any challenges to the validity or enforceability of a patent. The award will only bind the parties involved and not any other parties. Copyright, Trademark, and Trade Secrets statutes in the United States do not explicitly provide arbitration of IP issues, unlike the Patent law.

However, the courts have taken a pro-arbitration posture where parties in trademark and copyright disputes have opted for arbitration. As was made clear in the Mitsubishi case, antitrust issues are not automatically subject to arbitration under valid pre-arbitration agreements. The need of arbitration in international intellectual property disputes was emphasised by the court in Honeywell, Inc. v Minolta Camera Co. for the purpose of the parties’ convenience and their own sense of fairness.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office must receive a copy of any arbitral ruling, however arbitration of questions of patent validity and infringement and arbitration of “any element” of patent interference disputes are expressly permitted under US law. Until such time as this notification is delivered, the award is not enforceable. Arbitral awards are also registered in Switzerland with the same body responsible for issuing and maintaining patents. A certificate of enforceability issued by the Swiss court at the seat of the arbitral tribunal in accordance with Article 193 para. 2 [Swiss Private International Law Act] is also accepted as the basis for entries in the register if the award was rendered in connection with the validity of intellectual property rights. These cases show that with the right laws in place, India may enhance and encourage arbitration in IP disputes while maintaining a healthy balance between privacy and public interest.


With the help of intellectual-property laws, the creator is able to exert authority over other parties who, without his permission, try to profit from his efforts. In the event that rights can’t be put into practise, the logic for their creation becomes irrelevant. The Indian judicial system has made great strides toward the development of a secure innovation system in India. However, the available resources may be put to better and more lawful use by the Indian judicial system if the other contest aim is communicated. The multidisciplinary nature of the present case necessitates the use of specially trained arbitrators familiar with patents act and regarding copyright issues, such as convergence with science and understanding of innovation.

International intellectual property issues that end up in court sometimes entail a number of different processes in a number of different countries, increasing the possibility of contradictory outcomes. To save the time, effort, and money of litigating in many jurisdictions, the parties to a dispute over a right which is protected in multiple nations might agree to settle the matter via alternative dispute resolution (ADR).


Although civil litigation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) have deep historical roots as conflict resolution processes, their connection with the IP area is worthy of further study. Disputes involving intellectual property (IP) are only going to become more complicated as time goes on and technology improves. We will also be pioneers in the field of alternative conflict resolution. Maintaining effective, cost-conscious, and reasonable methods of resolving IP disputes will need more study at the intersection of dispute resolution and IP. The business sector will gain from the arbitrability of intellectual property dispute schemes in India, and the country as a whole will take a step toward becoming an arbitration centre for many multinational corporations if this is allowed by law. The courts may strike a fair balance between the interests of the inventor/owner and public interest by permitting arbitration in the legal dispute out of purely commercial grounds while maintaining the dispute surrounding the validity or registration of IP non-arbitrable. As such, the future of India’s arbitration-friendly framework depends on the decisions of the Hon’ble Apex Court and the other High Courts.

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Written by- Mansi Malpani

[1] A Ayyasamy v. A. Paramasivam and Ors, (2016) 10 SCC 386

[2] Eros International Media Limited v. Telemax Links India Pvt. Ltd. and Ors, 2016 (6) ARBLR 121 (BOM)

[3] IPRS v. Entertainment Network, Dhanuka J, (2016 SCC OnLine Bom 5893)

[4] Steel Authority of India Ltd. v. SKS Ispat and Power Ltd, (2003) 5 SCC 531

[5] Sukanya Holdings (P) Ltd. v. Jayesh H. Pandya, (2003) 5 SCC 531

[6] Vidya Drolia V. Durga trading Corpn, (2021) 5 SCC 531

[7] Scan-Graphics, Inc. v. Photomatrix Corporation,1992 WL 2231


Delhi High Court’s Jurisdictional Ruling: Venue vs Seat of Arbitration and Time Extension for Arbitral Proceedings

Title:  Reliance Infrastructure Limited v. Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited

Decided on:  14th August, 2023

+  O.M.P.(MISC.)(COMM.) 161/2020 and IA No. 9377/2020



The Delhi High Court recently rendered a significant decision regarding the distinction between the ‘venue’ and ‘seat’ of arbitration, as well as the extension of time for completing arbitral proceedings. The case involved a petition seeking an extension of time for issuing an arbitral award under Section 29A(4) and (5) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.


The petitioner, a participant in Rural Electrification works in Uttar Pradesh, initiated arbitration proceedings due to disputes arising from contracts. The General Conditions of Contract (GCC) mentioned that disputes would be resolved through arbitration, with Delhi having exclusive jurisdiction. Subsequently, the petitioner sought an extension for the Sole Arbitrator to issue the arbitral award.


The central issue before the Court was the distinction between the ‘venue’ and ‘seat’ of arbitration and the significance of an exclusive jurisdiction clause. The Court underscored that when an arbitration clause designates a specific ‘venue,’ it essentially anchors the arbitral proceedings to that location, making it the ‘seat’ of arbitration. Thus, the Court exercising supervisory jurisdiction over the designated ‘venue’ becomes the supervisory authority for the arbitral process, even if a general exclusive jurisdiction clause exists for a different court. The Court examined various judgments and legal precedents to establish this principle.

The Court highlighted the fact that the LOA’s ‘exclusive jurisdiction’ clause was general and did not specifically pertain to arbitration, while the GCC Clause 48.1.2 designating Delhi as the ‘venue’ of arbitration took precedence. This reinforced Delhi as the ‘seat’ of arbitration. The Court clarified that the Arbitration Act empowers courts to extend the Arbitrator’s mandate even after the award’s deadline, upon sufficient cause shown.


The Court declared its territorial jurisdiction over the arbitration proceedings and the petition’s maintainability. It granted the petition, allowing an extension of one year from the date of the judgment for completing the arbitration proceedings and issuing the arbitral award. The Court emphasized that the Sole Arbitrator had not shown any lack of expedition in the proceedings.


The Delhi High Court’s ruling highlights the significance of accurately designating the ‘seat’ of arbitration based on the specified ‘venue’ and clarifies that exclusive jurisdiction clauses do not undermine the seat’s authority. The Court’s decision also underscores the flexibility of the Arbitration Act to grant extensions for arbitral proceedings.

“PRIME LEGAL is a full-service law firm that has won a National Award and has more than 20 years of experience in an array of sectors and practice areas. Prime legal fall into a category of best law firm, best lawyer, best family lawyer, best divorce lawyer, best divorce law firm, best criminal lawyer, best criminal law firm, best consumer lawyer, best civil lawyer.”

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