In his appeal against the Delhi High Court’s suspension of his bail, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal sought quick relief from the Supreme Court on Monday, but the court denied him. Although the High Court’s conduct was seen somewhat “unusual,” a vacation bench consisting of Justices SVN Bhatti and Manoj Mishra decided to postpone the case until June 26.

Orders in stay applications are often not reserved. They are immediately passed. It is quite peculiar. Judge Mishra stated, “Anyway, we will have it day after tomorrow,” as the bench opted to hold off until the High Court issued an order.

Kejriwal was given regular bail in the Liquor Policy Scam Case by the Delhi High Court, which had granted a stay of the lower court’s ruling. His attorneys contended today that the High Court disregarded the established rule that there is a distinction between “bail granted” and “bail declined” while granting the stay, calling the action “unprecedented.”

A bail grant is not the same as a bail reversal. On the first day, there is a new method for staying bail. In my advantage is the convenience balance. Senior Advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi stated during the arguments that “if the plea is denied, he goes back to jail and ends up back where he was when he surrendered under Supreme Court order three weeks ago.”

He further claimed that the challenged decision was given without any justification, and it is after the order that arguments were heard while noting that once bail is granted. It is not so simply undone.

“We suggest that the HC order be entered into the record so that we can continue the matter the following week. The court asked, “How do we proceed without the order?” as it deferred the case and declined to comment on the merits.

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Smaller disposal and detection teams can be constituted for bomb threats, the Delhi High Court said.

The Delhi Police has informed the High Court of Delhi that smaller teams from their existing strength of five bomb disposal squads and 18 bomb detection teams can be formed to meet the requirement of more units in case of an emergency. There are also 23 BDS/BDT units of the Central Armed Police Forces stationed in Delhi, which can be deployed after due approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Five batches of BDS/BDT, each with 15 personnel in each batch, will also be trained in this regard.

The police have previously stated that there are a total of five BDS & 18 BDT for over 4,600 schools in the city. The police have made provisions to form smaller teams in case of emergency to meet the requirement of more BDS/BDT teams. The trained staff of BDS/BDT undergo refresher courses periodically to update the changing scenario and technology.

The standard operating procedure for BDS/BDT is that they are pressed into action only after the BDT concerned has inspected the spot and reported something suspicious in the nature of an IED/explosive, which requires the intervention of BDS. AI movement command for a BDS is under the control of the district DCP concerned where the said BDS is stationed. A detailed Standard Operating Procedure for Bomb Disposal Squads & Bomb Detection Teams was issued in 2021, and nodal officers would respond to threat calls accordingly.

The Directorate of Education has a “zero-tolerance policy” in matters of safety in schools and has issued several directions to institutions to “step up” their safety and security measures, including a circular dated April 16 on precautionary measures and the role of school authorities in cases of bomb threats.


delhi high court

Delhi High Court Orders Release of Appellant After Finding Lack of Direct Evidence


Case no: CRL. A. 191/2002

Order on: May 22, 2024



Fact of the case:

In this case, Raj Kumar Sharma appealed against a decision that found him guilty of certain crimes. The court had earlier convicted him for causing the death of his wife Smt. Vandana Sharma and mistreating her. He was accused of demanding dowry from her and treating her badly, which ultimately led to her death. The court sentenced him to 10 years rigorous imprisonment for Section 304B and 2 years for Section 498A, with fines. During the trial, various witnesses were called to testify. Some witnesses claimed to have seen Raj Kumar mistreat his wife, while others said they heard about it from someone else. However, the court found some inconsistencies in their statements. One key incident involved Raj Kumar allegedly hitting his wife with an iron press. But the witnesses who testified about this incident weren’t directly involved; they heard about it from someone else. Also, there were discrepancies in their accounts. Another allegation was that Raj Kumar demanded money from his wife’s family. Again, the evidence was not clear-cut. Some witnesses said they heard about the demand from others, while others provided conflicting information. Ultimately, the court ruled in Raj Kumar’s favor, overturning his conviction. They found that the evidence presented wasn’t strong enough to prove he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. As a result, he was acquitted of the charges and released from custody.

Legal provisions:

Section 304B IPC: Deals with dowry death, i.e., the death of a woman caused by burns or bodily injury within seven years of marriage and in connection with demands for dowry.

Section 498A IPC: Deals with cruelty towards a married woman by her husband or his relatives, which can include mental or physical harassment for dowry demands.

Section 374 Cr.P.C.: Provides for the appeal procedure against convictions by Sessions Courts.

 Contentions of Appellant:

The appellant argued that there was a significant delay in filing the FIR after the alleged incident. He claimed this delay, along with other inconsistencies in the case, raised doubts about the credibility of the prosecution’s case. The appellant contended that the prosecution failed to provide sufficient evidence to prove the allegations against him. He claimed there was no concrete proof of dowry demand or cruelty towards his wife.

Contentions of Respondents:

The respondent argued that the prosecution had presented substantial evidence to prove the appellant’s guilt. They maintained that the testimony of witnesses, particularly the deceased’s brothers, supported the charges of cruelty and dowry demand. The respondent asserted that the evidence presented during the trial, including witness testimonies and other documentary evidence, was sufficient to establish the appellant’s involvement in the crimes.

 Court analysis & Judgement:

The court observed the appellant’s argument regarding the delay in filing the FIR. They found that the prosecution had adequately explained the circumstances surrounding the delay and deemed it insufficient to discredit the case. After reviewing everything, The court found that the evidence presented by both parties during the trial, discrepancies and contradictions in the testimonies of witnesses. Based on their analysis of the evidence, the court concluded that the prosecution had failed to prove the charges against the appellant beyond a reasonable doubt. They found inconsistencies and lack of direct evidence to substantiate the allegations. Therefore, the court ruled in favor of the appellant, overturning his conviction. They acquitted him of all charges and ordered his release from custody. The court discharged the bail and surety bonds, directing the forwarding of a copy of the judgment to the trial court and the concerned jail superintendent.

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Judgement Reviewed By- Antara Ghosh

Click to view the full judgement


The legal strategy unveiled: The High court of Delhi dismisses writ petition for failure to explore alternative avenues

CASE NUMBER- W.P.(C) 4455/2017 & CM APPL. 19463/2017

DATED ON- 14.05.2024



The petitioners/workmen joined the services of the respondent no. 2 (State Bank of Mysore (merged with State Bank of India) as Sweeper/Sweeper-cum-Peon at various branches of the Delhi region on temporary basis. Thereafter, due to the proposed merger of six subsidiary/associate banks including the respondent no. 2 with the State Bank of India, the petitioners on 31st March, 2017, were served with the retrenchment notice. The terms of the said merger scheme contained a condition that only the permanent employees on the rolls of the six associate banks will be absorbed and continue their services with State Bank of India. Being aggrieved, the petitioners have approached the Court seeking reinstatement as well as regularization of their services and setting aside of the said retrenchment notice. The petitioners filed writ of Mandamus and Certiorari before the Honorable Court.


No such issue was raised before the Hon’ble court. However, the court decided on whether the instant petition is maintainable before the court of law or not?


Article 226 of Indian Constitution- Every High Court shall have powers to issue orders or writs including habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, and certiorari, to any person or any government for the enforcement of fundamental rights and other purpose.


The contention is that the respondent no. 2 wrongfully terminated the services of the workmen and failed to take into consideration the fact that the petitioners had been working with the respondent for over ten years and the duties and nature of work performed by the them were of a permanent nature. The petitioners were entitled to be regularized on the basis of seniority as the respondent no.2 had a policy in place for regularizing the services of their employees on the basis of seniority. But the respondent did not prepare a seniority list for the same. The petitioners were earlier assured that they will be regularized before the merger, but they were served with retrenchment notices. The said merger scheme is discriminatory and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution of India. It is submitted that the petitioners had worked with the respondent no. 2 for over 240 days in a calendar year for the last 10 years and should have been regularized, but the same was not done. Therefore, the petition may be allowed.


The respondent opposed the instant petition, that the same is liable to be dismissed. The petition is not maintainable as the petitioners being “workmen” have an alternative remedy under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, under which all the disputes pertaining to employment and retrenchment are mandated to be adjudicated by an Industrial Tribunal/Labour Court. The writ jurisdiction under Article 226 of Constitution of India is discretionary in nature and cannot be invoked when an alternative statutory remedy is available. It is submitted that the impugned retrenchment order falls under the ambit of section 25-F of the Act, whereby, the prescribed mandate under the said section i.e., compensation of 15 days of pay for every completed year of service was paid to the petitioners. If there has been a wrongful termination of services of a daily wager due to non-compliance of section 25-F of the Act, the aggrieved person is entitled to monetary compensation and not reinstatement. Furthermore, the petitioners were employed on a temporary basis and were called intermittently as per requirement, hence, there was no continuity of service. It is further submitted that it is a settled position of law that by mere completion of requirement of 240 days, does not entitle the workman to be eligible for regularization in service. Therefore, the instant petition is liable to get dismissed.


The court held that, the writ jurisdiction of a High Court although, is supervisory, discretionary and extraordinary, in nature however, the same does not confer an unlimited discretion upon the Courts to entertain each and every kind of claim under the writ jurisdiction. the writ jurisdiction must be invoked to protect infringement of legal or fundamental rights and only in the event when alternative remedy has been exhausted. The writ courts have discretion to grant reliefs under the above said provision if there is established exceptional case warranting such interference. The court observed that both the parties have the recourse to approach an appropriate forum under the Act which is the efficacious alternative remedy. Furthermore, the petitioners have failed to demonstrate a case for ‘exceptional circumstances’ for this Court to exercise its jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. Therefore, the present petition is not maintainable under Article 226 and got dismissed for the failure of the petitioners to exhaust the alternative remedy. This Court also stated that the time taken for the disposal of the present petition shall not affect the limitation period to raise the industrial dispute.

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Judgement Reviewed By- Shreyasi Ghatak

Click here to view the judgement



“Justice Prevails”: Delhi HC Overturns Corruption Conviction Over Inconsistent Testimonies and Insufficient Proof.

Case Title – Ram Dutt Tyagi vs. State Thr. C.B.I. AND Subhash Chand vs. C.B.I

Case No. – CRL.A 779/2002, CRL.A 796/2002 and CRL.M.A.  13709/2022

Date on – 15th May, 2024

Quorum – Hon’ble Mr. Justice Manoj Kumar Ohri


Facts of the Case –

The case revolves around a complaint by Ram Rattan Sharma, who alleged that Sub-Inspector Subhash Chand demanded a bribe of Rs. 2,000 for the release of Ranjeet Singh, a taxi driver employed by Sharma, who had been arrested. A trap was set by the CBI, and Constable Ram Dutt Tyagi, allegedly sent by Subhash Chand, was caught accepting the bribe.

In the trial, the prosecution presented eight witnesses, but there were significant inconsistencies and contradictions in their testimonies. The complainant’s statements varied on key points such as the amount initially demanded and the sequence of events. Independent witnesses Varinder Singh Dagar and Jagdish Lal did not support the prosecution’s case fully and were declared hostile. Moreover, evidence such as DD No. 25A suggested that Ranjeet Singh was released on personal bond much earlier than alleged by the complainant.

The appeals assail the judgment of conviction of the appellants dated 30.09.2002 and the order on sentence dated 01.10.2002, where the appellants were convicted for offences under Section 120B IPC and Sections 7 and 13(1)(d) read with Section 13(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act). They were sentenced to four years of rigorous imprisonment and fined Rs. 500 each, with default sentences of three months’ imprisonment for non-payment of the fine, arising from FIR No. RC-45(A)/94-DLI.


Legal Provisions –

  • Section 120B (criminal conspiracy) of IPC, 1860
  • Section 7 (public servant taking gratification other than legal remuneration) of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
  • Section 13(1)(d) read with Section 13(2) (criminal misconduct by a public servant) of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988

Contentions of the Appellant –

The appellants argued that the prosecution’s case was unreliable due to these inconsistencies. They pointed out that the complainant’s testimony changed significantly, with new details emerging only during the trial, which were not part of the original complaint or the statements recorded under Section 161 of C.r.P.C, 1973. They also highlighted that key witnesses like Ranjeet Singh, Rajender Kumar, and Nanak Chand were not examined. Additionally, there was a suggestion of a vendetta by DSP S.K. Peshin against Subhash Chand, adding to the doubts about the fairness of the proceedings.


Contentions of the Respondent –

The respondent, represented by the CBI, argued that the prosecution had established the case against the appellants and that they failed to rebut the presumption under Section 20 of the PC Act. They maintained that the conduct of the appellants, including Subhash Chand’s initial absconding and Tyagi’s threats to the complainant, supported the conviction.


Court Analysis and Judgement –

The Hon’ble High Court of Delhi upon reviewing the evidence and the trial court records, found significant contradictions and uncorroborated statements that cast reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case. The complainant’s testimony was inconsistent with his initial complaint and statements under Section 161 of Cr.P.C, 1973. The failure to examine crucial witnesses and the role of DSP S.K. Peshin, who was not cited as a witness despite his involvement, further weakened the prosecution’s case. The court concluded that the prosecution did not prove the demand for a bribe beyond a reasonable doubt, as required under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. Hence, the court allowed the appeals, set aside the convictions and sentences, and acquitted the appellants. Bail bonds and surety bonds were discharged, and the appeals, along with any pending applications, were disposed of.

“PRIME LEGAL is a full-service law firm that has won a National Award and has more than 20 years of experience in an array of sectors and practice areas. Prime legal fall into a category of best law firm, best lawyer, best family lawyer, best divorce lawyer, best divorce law firm, best criminal lawyer, best criminal law firm, best consumer lawyer, best civil lawyer.”

Judgement Reviewed By- Anurag Das

Click here to view the judgement

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