K’taka High Court Upholds Election Commission’s Decision to deny Free Public Transportation for 2024 MLC Elections.


CASE NUMBER – WP NO. 12711 OF 2024

DATED ON – 16.05.2024

QUORUM – Justice R. Devdas & Justice J.M. Khazi



The petitioner is before this Court seeking a Writ of Mandamus, directing the respondents Chief Electrol Officer, Bengaluru and The Regional Commissioner, Kalaburagi to consider his representation dated 12.03.2024, Annexure-A, and 13.03.2024 at Annexure-B, requesting that the implementation of free bus services to transport the voters on the polling date, and he has also pleaded to enhance the number of polling booths, which has been fixed at 160 for the Election to the post of Member of Legislative Council in the North East Graduate Constituency, 2024.



Whether the Election Commission can be compelled to implement free bus services for voters.

Whether the Election Commission is obligated to consider the petitioner’s representation regarding the enhancement of Polling Booths.



Section 123(5) of The Representation of People Act, 1951, deals with restrictions on providing transportation to voters during elections.



The petitioner was seeking to espouse public cause, in as much requesting the implementation of free bus services to transport the voters on the polling date so that the voters could be facilitated to travel by such free buses and cast their votes, which according to the petitioner would be in the interest of democracy. He has also pleaded to enhance the number of polling booths, which has been fixed at 160 for the Election to the post of Member of Legislative Council in the North East Graduate Constituency, 2024. The Petitioner has prayed to a) Allow this Public Interest Litigation and b) To issue a Writ of Mandamus directing the Respondent Nos. 2 and 3 to consider the representation Dated 13.03.2024 submitted.



The Learned Counsel for the respondents pointed out from the statement of objections that in so far as first prayer made by the petitioner, firstly, such powers cannot be exercised by the Election Commissioner. Secondly, it is pointed out from the express provision contained sub-section (5) of Section 123 of The Representation of People Act 1951, and more particularly, the second proviso of sub-section (5) and submits that neither the candidates nor the State Governments or the Public Transport Corporations can make such provision, since it would go contrary to the express provision. The Learned counsel therefore submits that if such directions are issued either by the State Government or the Head of Department of the Public Transport Corporation, it would violate the express provisions contained in the statute. And the second request made by the petitioner regarding the enhancement of polling booths, the learned counsel for the respondents had drawn attention to Annexure-R3, which was filed along with the statement of objections. He submitted that the polling stations which were earlier fixed at 160 are enhanced to 195 having regard to the number of voters and the information obtained from the respective Deputy Commissioner and, therefore, was of the argument that the prayers made in the writ petition cannot be granted.



The Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka viewed an an endorsement dated 19.03.2024 that has been issued by the Regional Commissioner, Kalaburagi, Sub-Division to the petitioner bringing to his notice the prayer made by the petitioner and the arrangements made by the Chief Election Commissioner for the purposes of the impending elections. It had been stated that no such arrangement for plying free buses can be made either by the Chief Election Commissioner or any other Authority, since it would be in violation of the express provision contained in the Act, 1951. The Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka was of the considered opinion that the two prayers made by the petitioner having regard to representation given by him have been answered by the respondents in the statement of objections. And also in the Endorsement to the petitioner, they brought to his notice the enhancement of polling booths made from 160 to 195, which would meet the requirements having regard to the number of voters in the constituency. And In that view of the matter, The Hon’ble High Court was satisfied that the respondent Chief Election Commissioner, through the Regional Commissioner has considered the grievance of the petitioner, and had concluded that Writ Petition shall hereby be dismissed.


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Judgement Reviewed by – Gnaneswarran Beemarao

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When a statutory provision clearly delineates the requirements for compliance, it is not permissible to read additional requirements into it.: Supreme Court

Title: K. Babu Versus M. Swaraj and others


Date of Judgment- February 12, 2024

CORAM: Justice Aniruddha Bose and J. Sanjay Kumar

Facts of the Case-

The case originated from the election to the 15th Kerala Legislative Assembly held on 06.04.2021, in the 081-Tripunithura Legislative Assembly Constituency. The appellant emerged as the winner with a margin of 992 votes over the first respondent. Subsequently, the first respondent filed Election Petition No. 8 of 2021 before the High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam under Sections 80, 81, 83, 84, 100, 101, and 123 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (“the Act of 1951”). The petition sought a declaration of the appellant’s election as void, alleging various irregularities.

The appellant filed preliminary objections to the election petition, citing non-compliance with Section 81 of the Act of 1951 and Rule 212 of the Rules of the High Court of Kerala, 1971. He argued that the petition was presented beyond the period of limitation, lacked sufficient copies as required, and the copy served to him wasn’t accurate. Additionally, he contended that the petition failed to include material facts and particulars of alleged corrupt practices, thus not disclosing a cause of action.

The High Court, in an order dated 29.03.2023, partially accepted the appellant’s plea but found sufficient cause of action to proceed with the trial of the election petition. The court concluded that the defects pointed out by the appellant did not amount to non-compliance with Section 81(3) of the Act of 1951 and thus rejected the appellant’s plea for summary dismissal under Section 86(1). However, the court held that the petition would be tried on identified issues, including allegations related to the use of a religious symbol by the appellant during the election campaign.

Aggrieved by this decision, the appellant filed the present appeal. In his grounds, he reiterated the issues of non-compliance with statutory provisions, including insufficient copies of the petition and inaccuracies in served documents. He also challenged the adequacy of material facts and particulars in the petition, particularly regarding the alleged use of religious symbols during the election campaign. The appellant sought the rejection of the election petition on these grounds.

Laws Involved:

  • Sections 80, 81, 83, 84, 100, 101, and 123 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951

Issues framed by the court:

  • whether the election petition filed against the appellant by the first respondent herein was liable to be rejected at the threshold?

Courts Judgment and Analysis:

In the case at hand, the central issue revolves around whether the election petition filed against the appellant by the first respondent was liable to be rejected at the threshold. The appellant argued primarily on the basis of non-compliance with the requirements of Section 81(3) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, which mandates that every election petition must be accompanied by authenticated copies attested by the petitioner. However, the appellant contended that the copies of the petition served on the respondents were not true copies and lacked attestation as required by Rule 212 of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1971.

The appellant’s contention primarily hinged on the interpretation of Rule 212 of the 1971 Rules, which requires three authenticated copies for the use of the court, in addition to the copies required under Section 81(3) of the Act. However, the court found that the appellant did not provide substantial evidence to support the claim that the copies served on them lacked attestation by the first respondent.

Furthermore, the court noted that while the appellant argued that Rule 212 should be read in conjunction with Section 81(3) of the Act, they found no legal basis for such an interpretation. The court emphasized that when a statutory provision clearly delineates the requirements for compliance, it is not permissible to read additional requirements into it. Rule 212, being a provision of the 1971 Rules, imposes additional requirements set by the High Court and cannot be automatically applied to Section 81(3) of the Act.

Thus, the court concluded that the objections raised by the appellant lacked merit, and the election petition filed by the first respondent was not liable to be rejected at the threshold. Consequently, the court dismissed the appeal, vacated the interim order, dismissed any pending miscellaneous applications, and ordered each party to bear their own costs.

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Written by- Aditi

Click here to view the judgment


Bye-election for the Pune Lok Sabha cannot be conducted immediately: Supreme Court

Case Title:  Election Commission of India v. Sugosh Joshi and another

Case No: SLP(C) No. 200 of 2024

Decided on:  8th January, 2024


Facts of the Case

Sughosh Joshi, a registered voter in the Pune parliamentary constituency and Kothrud Legislative Assembly constituency. He is on the electoral roll for both the constituencies. He challenges a “certificate” dated 23rd August 2023 issued by the Election Commission of India (“ECI”), the 1st Respondent, said to be under Section 151A(b) of the Representation of People Act, 1951 (“RoPA”). This “certificate” says that the Election Commission has “difficulty” in holding a bye-election to the Parliamentary Constituency–34 Pune. This constituency is unrepresented and the parliamentary seat for this constituency is vacant since 29th March 2023 on account of the demise of the then elected Member of Parliament for Pune, the late Shri Girish Bhalchandra Bapat.

The High Court, in its judgment, pointed out that the Lok Sabha Secretary’s notification had officially confirmed the vacancy from March 29, 2023, and the ongoing term of the Lok Sabha is scheduled to conclude on June 16, 2024. Rejecting the Election Commission of India’s argument that organizing a by-election was challenging, the division bench comprising Justice GS Patel and Justice Kamal Khata underscored that constituencies must not remain without representation beyond a stipulated timeframe. The court emphasized the crucial role of elected representatives as the voice of the people in a parliamentary democracy. It noted the inconsistency in the ECI’s stance, citing instances where by-elections had been conducted for various Legislative Assembly and Lok Sabha constituencies since the Pune seat became vacant. The High Court stressed that the relevant date for considering the by-election is the date when the vacancy arises, leaving no room for ambiguity.

Legal Provision

Section 149 of RoPA reads as follows:

 “149. Casual vacancies in the House of the People—

 (1) When the seat of a member elected to the House of the People becomes vacant or is declared vacant or his election to the House of the People is declared void, the Election Commission shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), by a notification in the Gazette of India, call upon the parliamentary constituency concerned to elect a person for the purpose of filling the vacancy so caused before such date as may be specified in the notification, and the provisions of this Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder shall apply, as far as may be, in relation to the election of a member to fill such vacancy.

(2) If the vacancy so caused be a vacancy in a seat reserved in any such constituency for the Scheduled Castes or for any Scheduled Tribes, the notification issued under sub-section (1) shall specify that the person to fill that seat shall belong to the Scheduled Castes or to such Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be.”

Section 151A was added by a 1996 amendment. It reads thus:

“151A. Time limit for filling vacancies referred to in sections 147, 149, 150 and 151—

Notwithstanding anything contained in section 147, section 149, section 150 and section 151, a bye-election for filling any vacancy referred to in any of the said sections shall be held within a period of six months from the date of the occurrence of the vacancy:

Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply if—

(a) the remainder of the term of a member in relation to a vacancy is less than one year; or

(b) the Election Commission in consultation with the Central Government certifies that it is difficult to hold the bye-election within the said period.


The issue revolves around the validity and justification of the Election Commission of India’s reluctance to conduct a bye-election for the vacant Pune parliamentary constituency, challenged by the registered voter, Sughosh Joshi.

Court’s analysis and decision

The Supreme Court issued a stay on the Bombay High Court’s directive to the Election Commission of India regarding the organization of a bye-election for the vacant Pune Lok Sabha seat. This seat has remained unoccupied since the death of MP Girish Bapat on March 29, 2023.

While issuing notice on the Special Leave Petition filed by the Election Commission of India challenging the High Court’s order dated December 13, 2023, a bench issued the interim order. The bench noted that the current situation invokes Section 151A of the Representation of Peoples Act 1951. As per this provision, the Election Commission of India is not obligated to conduct a bye-election to fill a vacant seat if the remaining term for the vacancy is less than one year. The bench stated its intention to schedule the matter for a hearing in March or April, during which it will establish legal principles on the matter.

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Written by- Afshan Ahmad

Click here to read the judgement