The Supreme Showdown: Unravelling the Sevika Saga and Nepotism Clauses.

Date: January 08, 2024.

Court: Supreme Court of India.

Quorum: Hon’ble J. B.R. Gavai, J. Sandeep Mehta.


Background of the Case

The case revolves around the appointment of Anganwadi workers (Sevikas) in the state of Bihar. In October 2012, the District Programme Officer in Katihar published a notice for the selection of Anganwadi workers. Both Anjum Ara (the appellant) and the respondent applied for the position. Anjum Ara scored 80.60 marks, while The respondent scored 48.60 marks. Consequently, Anjum Ara was appointed as an Anganwadi Sevika on July 2, 2013.

Aggrieved by Anjum Ara’s appointment, the respondent filed a representation before the District Programme Officer, seeking cancellation of Anjum Ara’s appointment order and a direction for her own appointment. The District Programme Officer rejected her representation on November 13, 2014. The respondent then appealed to the Appellate Authority (the Court of Joint Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Regional Transport Authority, Purnea), which allowed her appeal on July 30, 2015, setting aside Anjum Ara’s appointment order.


Legal Issues

Whether Clause 4.9 of the Anganwadi Sevika Guidelines, 2011, which imposed restrictions on the appointment of persons whose family members were employed with the State Government or its organizations, is valid and constitutional under Articles 14 (right to equality) and 16 (equality of opportunity in public employment) of the Constitution of India?

Legal Provisions

The case dealt with the interpretation of Clause 4.9 of the 2011 Guidelines and its compliance with Articles 14 (right to equality) and 16 (equality of opportunity in public employment) of the Constitution of India.

Contentions of the Petitioner

Anjum Ara contended that Clause 4.9 of the 2011 Guidelines, which formed the basis for her disqualification, had been found to be in violation of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution by the High Court of Judicature at Patna in another case (CWJC No. 13210 of 2014). However, the learned Division Bench of the High Court ignored this fact while dismissing her appeal.

Contentions of the Respondents

The State of Bihar and The respondent asserted that Clause 4.9 of the 2011 Guidelines was a valid restriction to prevent nepotism in public employment. They argued that the High Court’s decision striking down the clause in a separate case was not binding on Anjum Ara since she did not challenge it herself. The respondents emphasized the selection process was a matter of administrative discretion where courts should not interfere unless there is a constitutional violation. They contended that setting aside Anjum Ara’s appointment in favour of the lower scoring The respondent was justified based on principles of merit and fair selection.

Judgment and Analysis

The Supreme Court allowed Anjum Ara’s appeal and set aside the judgments of the learned Single Judge and the Division Bench of the High Court. The Court found that both the learned Single Judge and the Division Bench had erred in dismissing Anjum Ara’s writ petition and appeal.

The Court observed that Clause 4.9 of the 2011 Guidelines had been struck down by the High Court in CWJC No. 13210 of 2014 as violating Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution. Once the clause was declared invalid, it ceased to exist. Therefore, it was not necessary for Anjum Ara to challenge the validity of the clause separately, as it had already been held invalid by the same High Court.

The Supreme Court held that the reasoning adopted by the learned Division Bench was unsustainable in law. When a provision has been declared unconstitutional and invalid by a court, it cannot be applied to deny someone’s rights, even if the person did not challenge the provision individually.


The Supreme Court allowed Anjum Ara’s appeal, quashed the judgments of the High Court, and directed her reinstatement forthwith. Although she would not be entitled to wages for the period she was out of employment, she would be granted continuity in service for all other purposes.

This judgment reinforces the principle that once a provision or law has been declared unconstitutional by a court, it ceases to have any legal effect, and no person can be denied their rights based on such an invalid provision. The judgment upholds the principles of equality and non-discrimination enshrined in the Constitution and ensures that individuals are not deprived of their rightful employment opportunities based on arbitrary and unconstitutional criteria.

Judgement reviewed by Maria Therese Syriac.


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Appointment of a teacher based on forged educational documents cannot be entitled to sympathy; cancelled the appointment: Allahabad High Court

Case Title:   Shiv Kumar Mishra v. State of U.P. and Others

Case No: Writ – A No. 13121 of 2023

Decided on: 9th January, 2024


Facts of the Case

The petitioner assumed the role of an Assistant Teacher at Primary School Harnahi Chakarwa Bahordas, District Deoria, in 2005. Subsequently, in 2008, the petitioner was promoted to the position of Headmaster. In 2015, an inquiry was launched following a complaint asserting that the petitioner’s appointment had been made on the basis of falsified educational documents.

The District Basic Education Officer’s office in Deoria meticulously examined the documents and found no discrepancies. Subsequently, the documents were sent for additional verification.

The petitioner’s legal representative contended that despite the absence of any ambiguity in the documents, an investigation ensued, leading to the filing of an FIR against the petitioner in 2022. The argument emphasized that although the chargesheet was provided to the petitioner, the documents forming the basis for framing the charges were not supplied to him. Furthermore, the contention was put forth that the cancellation of the petitioner’s appointment was in violation of the principles of natural justice, as the order was issued without furnishing him with a copy of the inquiry report. This, it was asserted, warranted setting aside the decision.

On the contrary, the legal representative for the respondents argued that despite numerous notices sent to the petitioner, no responses were received to the specific queries raised. Consequently, the inquiry continued, and the charges were substantiated based on the police report.

Legal Provision

According to Rule 9(4) of the U.P. Government Servant (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1999, if any penalty outlined in Rule 3 is intended to be enforced, the government servant must be furnished with a copy of both the inquiry report and the Disciplinary Authority’s conclusions.


Whether the petitioner, who has procured an appointment as a Teacher based on forged educational documents, can be entitled to any sympathy?

Court’s analysis and decision

The Allahabad High Court has affirmed the annulment of the appointment of a primary school teacher due to the use of fraudulent documents. Justice Saurabh Shyam Shamshery, presiding over the bench, remarked that “a person such as a petitioner, who has procured appointment as Teacher on basis of forged educational documents, cannot be entitled to any sympathy and he is required to be dealt with strictly.”

The court affirmed that “It is well settled that fraud vitiates all solemn acts. Petitioner has not submitted any document which could contradict the findings returned by Inquiry Officer as well as by disciplinary authority that forged educational documents were provided by petitioner at the time of his appointment.” Consequently, the court concluded that the failure to serve the inquiry report was a mere irregularity and not an illegal act that resulted in any harm or injustice to the petitioner.

The court noted that the situation did not constitute double jeopardy since the District Basic Education Officer’s report from Deoria, affirming the authenticity of the documents, was not conclusive. This is because the District Basic Education Officer in Deoria had forwarded the documents for additional verification. Consequently, the court concluded that the petitioner had no grounds to assert a claim of double jeopardy.

The court noted that the petitioner’s response lacked specificity and failed to address the specific queries outlined in both the chargesheet and the notices served. Simultaneously, the court also remarked that the process outlined in Rule 9(4) of the U.P. Government Servant (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1999, was not adhered to.

The court referenced the cases of Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited and another vs. Anil Kanwariya (2021) and Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. vs. Rajendra D. Harmalkar (2022), where the Supreme Court emphasized that the issue of trust becomes significant if an employee secured the job through the submission of forged documents. In such instances, the dismissal penalty was upheld.

The court further noted that throughout the proceedings, including the writ petition stage, the petitioner did not present any document to challenge the findings of the Inquiry Officer and the Disciplinary Authority, which established that the petitioner obtained the appointment using fraudulent documents. Consequently, the court ruled that the petitioner failed to demonstrate any harm caused by the non-supply of the inquiry report.

As a result, the writ petition was rejected.

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Written by- Afshan Ahmad

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Madras HC Says Married Daughter Is Not Entitled To Appeal The Rejection Of Compassionate Appointment on ground of Dependency And Financial Hardship.

TITLEA Chinnaponnu Vs.  Union of India and Others

Decided On: August 30, 2023.

W.P.No.19408 of 2019 and M.P.No.18905 of 2019.

CORAM:  Hon’ble Mr. Justice D. Krishna kumar and P.B. Balaji. 


The petitioner’s (Chinnaponnu) husband who worked as a Gang mate in southern railway, died in harness on 07.07.2010 leaving behind the 1st petitioner and his two daughters and one son. The 2nd petitioner herein is the daughter of the deceased employee. Since his brother gave consent to apply for a job compassionate appointment, she made request to the southern railway seeking compassionate appointment. The said request was rejected by the respondent department. Even though the 2nd petitioner has preferred two original applications one after other and got favourable orders, the respondent department did not consider her request and rejected the same. Therefore, the 2nd petitioner has filed 3rd original application before the Central Administrative Tribunal in O.A.No. 1417 of 2017 and by order dated 17.11.2016, the Original Application was dismissed. Challenging the same, the present writ petition is filed.

Legal Analysis and Decision:

The daughter, Venkateswari, submitted that since her brother and sister gave consent to apply for a compassionate appointment, she made a request to the Southern Railway seeking a compassionate appointment but it was rejected by the department. It was submitted that Venkateswari was taking care of the entire family. Thus, it was argued that merely on the ground that she was married, the request for an appointment was rejected. The Railways opposed the plea submitting that Venkateswari’s request for a compassionate appointment was rejected not because she was married but for the reason she did not fulfil the criteria laid down by the Railway Board for offering a compassionate appointment. Relying on the Railway Board Letter dated February 3, 1981, it was submitted by the authorities that while considering the married daughter for compassionate appointment, the criteria for whether the married daughter will be the breadwinner for the bereaved family has to be examined. It was submitted that as per the Railway Board Letter, if there are no other wards to be looked after, there was no justification for considering a married daughter for a compassionate appointment. The court noted that Venkateswari got married in 2006, four years before her father’s death. The court also noted that her brother and sisters were also married and her mother, i.e. wife of the deceased employee was receiving a family pension of Rs.18,734 and had no other minor children to take care of. Thus, the court observed that the application was rejected not because of Venkateswari marital status but based on the financial status of the deceased’s family. The court also emphasized that the Supreme Court in various decisions has held that the mere death of an employee in harness does not entitle the family to compassionate employment, the financial condition of the family has to be examined by the authorities.


The Madras High Court finally concluded that even though daughters of the deceased are equally eligible to be considered for compassionate employment regardless their marital status and appointment has to be considered on touchstone of criteria like dependency, financial status of the family.

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Compassionate Appointment Cannot Be Granted 26 Years After Employee’s Death: Allahabad High Court

CASE TITLE: Avnish Tandon vs. Assistant General Manager [Writ A No. 10831 of 2023]

DECIDED ON: 12.07.2023

CORAM: Hon’ble J.J. Munir,J.

PETITIONER: – Avnish Tandon

RESPONDENT: – Assistant General Manager


COUNSEL FOR RESPONDENT: – Anadi Krishna Narayana


The Allahabad High Court ruled that compassionate appointment is intended to alleviate the immediate hardships faced by a family following the untimely demise of the earning member. However, such an appointment cannot be granted after a period of 26 years has passed since the employee’s death.


The Petitioner’s mother served as a Cashier-cum-Clerk in the former Bareilly Corporation Bank (BCB) and passed away while still in service on November 12, 1996, leaving behind a minor son and daughter. The Petitioner, after completing graduation in 2007, applied for compassionate appointment in Bank of Baroda (BOB) following the merger of the two entities in 1999. In 2022, the Petitioner filed a petition seeking a writ of mandamus to compel the Bank to consider their claim.

The Court directed BOB to review the claim but emphasized that the application was significantly delayed, and the directions were given solely because BOB had invited the Petitioner to apply. After the Bank rejected the Petitioner’s application, the current petition was filed.


The High Court ruled that despite the petitioner having been asserting his claim since 2007, he failed to take any action to enforce his rights. Due to the substantial delay of fifteen years in approaching the Court (from 2007 to 2022 when the initial approach was made), the Court could not grant any relief.

Upon dismissing the writ petition, the Court noted that any financial hardships that might have arisen due to the death of the petitioner’s mother no longer exist at this point.

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Click to view the Judgment.

Written by- Mansi Malpani


Appointment of a part-time teacher as a full-timer valid even after the resolution is passed after 2 years: Bombay High Court

Title: Mrunal Mandar Joshi v. The State of Maharashtra and Ors.

Decided on: 1st August, 2023

+ WRIT PETITION (ST) NO. 8607 OF 2023

CORAM: G.S.Patel & Neela Gokhale, JJ.

Facts of the Case:

Mrunal Mandar Joshi, the petitioner was an Assistant Teacher for Chemistry in a school. When one of the senior-most teachers retired, there was a vacancy for the post of a Full-time Chemistry teacher. Being eligible for the post she was appointed as a full time teacher on  Dec. 30th 2014.

However, in 2016 when the senior-most faculty retired the decision of the management was sent to the Department which did not approve her appointment on the grounds that the resolution of the management to appoint her was after 2 years and that the particular post was reserved for people under VJ-NT, not for general category.


Whether the appointment of the petitioner valid because the resolution was passed 2 years after her appointment?


The appellants claimed that the appointment was in accordance with the due requirements. In 2016, there were indeed 7 open spots and therefore, it was for the general category as well. Moreover, it is the Government’s Resolution that part-time teacher can be appointed full-time once there is a vacancy for that subject. The petitioner is therefore rightly appointed.

The Respondents contented that as there was a delay of 2 years in filing for approval of the Department, it is not valid. The Department pointed out this delay to buttress their refusal in sanctioning the approval. It was also alleged by them, that he spot was reserved for VJ-NT category and not general.


The Petitioner cannot be faulted and penalised for the acts or omissions of the Management in completing the requisite formalities. The Petitioner has served as a Chemistry Teacher in the School for as many as 11 years. There are no complaints against her, and she has an unblemished service record. She was appointed as part-time teacher after participating in a duly followed selection procedure. She is otherwise eligible for the post. Even the resolution speaks of retrospective appointment of the petitioner.

Therefore, her appointment to the post was upheld and she was to get her balance salary in 4 weeks with an  interest of 18% p.a.

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Written by- Aparna Gupta, University Law College & Dept. of Studies in Law

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