A registered sale deed where the full consideration is paid would operate from the date of its execution: Supreme Court

Case title: Kanwar Raj Singh vs Gejo

Case no.: Civil Appeal No. 9098 of 2023

Decided on: 02.01.2024

Quorum: Hon’ble Justice Abhay S. Oka, Hon’ble Justice Pankaj Mithal



The current appeal stems from a decision of the Punjab and Haryana High Court. The appellant sued for a declaration. She sought a declaration of ownership over the land measuring 71 kanals 8 marlas (“suit property”), citing the executed and registered sale deed. According to the case of the original plaintiff, Smt. Gejo, the first defendant made an interpolation in the sale deed before it was registered, adding that only one-third of a share measuring 23 kanals and 8 marlas was sold. The first defendant contested the suit, claiming that what was sold was the area of 23 kanals and 8 marlas, which was his one-third share of the suit property.

The trial court ruled in favour of the suit. On appeal to the District Court, the Additional District Judge granted the appeal and determined that the correction in the sale deed was genuine and not fraudulent. The plaintiff sought a second appeal before the High Court. The appeal was allowed by the impugned judgement, and the Trial Court’s decree was restored.


Can a compulsorily registerable document, once registered under the Registration Act, operate from a date prior to its registration?


According to Section 47 of The Registration Act of 1908, a registered document is effective from the time it would have begun to operate if no registration was required. Thus, when a compulsorily registerable document is registered in accordance with the Registration Act, it can begin to operate on a date prior to its registration. The date of the operation will vary depending on the nature of the transaction.

Section 54 of the Transfer of Property Act of 1984 defines a sale. A sale is a transfer of ownership in exchange for a price paid or promised, or a partial payment and partial promise.

Section 54 of the Transfer of Property Act requires that all sale deeds for property worth more than Rs. 100/- be registered. Thus, a vendor-executed sale deed becomes an instrument of sale only after it is registered.


The learned counsel contended that the sale took effect on the date the sale deed was registered, not the date it was executed. He contended that the sale deed conveys the same information as the registered sale deed. He claimed that even the agreement for sale signed prior to the execution of the sale deed refers to the sale of a third of the first defendant’s share, not the entire property.

The counsel relied on a Constitution Bench decision in the case of Ram Saran Lall v. Domini Kuer and contended that, under the said decision, the sale was completed when the sale deed was registered, and thus the description of the property recorded in the registered sale deed will prevail.


The court ruled that the consideration was paid in full on the date the sale deed was executed. The sale deed was registered with an interpolation concerning the description/area of the property sold. The first defendant admitted that the interpolation occurred after the execution but before the registration. According to Section 47 of the Registration Act, a registered sale deed in which the entire consideration is paid becomes effective on the date of execution. As a result, the original sale deed will be effective. Therefore, the court concluded that the high court’s decision was correct and dismissed the appeal.


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Written by – Surya Venkata Sujith


click to read the judgment



Non-Adherence to Payment Schedule Bars Buyer from Seeking Specific Performance of Sale Agreement: Supreme Court

Case Title: Alagammal and Ors. v. Ganesan and Anr.

Case No: Civil Appeal No. 8185 of 2009

Decided on:  10th January, 2024


Facts of the Case

The first, second, and third appellants (“Appellants”) entered into a registered Agreement of Sale with the respondents on November 22, 1990, for the sale of a property at a consideration of Rs. 21,000, with an advance payment of Rs. 3,000. The agreement set a six-month timeframe for completing the transaction. Meanwhile, the appellants executed a Sale Deed for the same property with appellant no.7 on November 5, 1997, for a consideration of Rs. 22,000.

On November 18, 1997, the respondents sent a Notice to the appellants, demanding the execution of the Agreement. Subsequently, the respondents filed an original suit in the Munsiff Court against the appellants, seeking specific performance of the Agreement, damages, and the recovery of money with interest.

The Principal District Munsiff Judge dismissed the suit. The respondents, dissatisfied with this decision, appealed to the First Appellate Court, which ruled in their favor. The High Court upheld the decision in the Impugned Judgment.

This Civil Appeal is filed by the Appellants against the High Court’s impugned order and judgment in the Second Appeal.


The central issue under consideration pertains to whether the Agreement dated November 22, 1990, clearly specifies a definite period within which the respondents are obligated to make full payment, as outlined in the recitals of the sale agreement executed by appellant no.1 in favor of the respondents.

Court’s analysis and decision

In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court emphasized that adherence to the specified time frame for payment in a contract is crucial for executing an ‘agreement to sale.’ The Court overturned the decisions of both the High Court and the First Appellate Court. Justices Vikram Nath and Ahsanuddin Amanullah noted that the buyer is obligated to strictly comply with the stipulated time for payment; failure to do so bars the buyer from seeking specific performance of the sale deed.

The Court pointed out that, according to the contract, the buyer had a six-month period to pay the entire balance. However, the respondents failed to demonstrate that they even offered to fulfill this obligation by paying the remaining amount within the specified six-month period. Consequently, the Court concluded that the respondents did not meet their obligation under the Agreement within the designated time frame.

The Court ultimately overturned the challenged judgment rendered by both the High Court and the First Appellate Court, reinstating the order and judgment issued by the Trial Court. Accordingly, the appeals are granted.

“PRIME LEGAL is a full-service law firm that has won a National Award and has more than 20 years of experience in an array of sectors and practice areas. Prime legal fall into a category of best law firm, best lawyer, best family lawyer, best divorce lawyer, best divorce law firm, best criminal lawyer, best criminal law firm, best consumer lawyer, best civil lawyer.”

Written by- Afshan Ahmad

Click here to read the judgement