Supreme court decides on Moratorium’s scope: Individuals are held liable along with Director

Supreme court decides on Moratorium’s scope: Individuals are held liable along with Director

CASE TITLE- Ansal Crown Heights Flat Buyers Association (Regd.) Vs M/S. Ansal Crown Infrabuild Pvt. Ltd. & Ors.

CASE NUMBER- Civil Appeal No(S). 4247 Of 2023

DATED ON- 17.01.2024

QUORUM- Honourable Justice Abhay S. Oka and Honourable Justice Ujjal Bhuyan


A complaint was filed by the homebuyers before the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission against the Developer and NCDR directed the developer to complete the project in all respects and handover the possession of the allotted flats/apartments to the members of the Association of the homebuyers within the time specified. A direction was issued giving an option to the homebuyers, that if they are not interested to wait any more for taking possession of the allotted Apartment and they want refund of their deposited amount with interest @9% p.a. The appellants sought to execute the directions of the National Commission not only against the company but also against the several individuals. By the impugned orders, the National Commission held that the decree cannot be executed against the company due to the operation of the moratorium under Section 14 of the IBC. Thereafter, the National Commission observed that in view of moratorium against the company, it would not be appropriate to proceed in the same execution against the opposite party Nos. 2 to 9. The other opposite parties were not parties in the main complaint. Therefore, the present appeal was sought.


Whether opposite party Nos. 2 to 9 (the respondent Nos. 2 to 9) to the execution are otherwise liable?


Section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016

Section 14 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016


The learned counsel for the appellant contented that under the provisions of the IBC, there is no prohibition on proceeding against the directors/officers of the company, which is the subject-matter of moratorium under Section 14 of the IBC. A reliance is placed by the appellant on the second proviso to sub-Section (1) of Section 32A of the IBC and a decision of this Court in the case of P. Mohanraj vs. Shah Bros. Ispat (P) Ltd and Anjali Rathi and others vs. Today Homes and Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. And Others. Therefore, the view taken by the National Commission is erroneous.


The learned counsel for the respondent contented that there is no liability fastened on the opposite party Nos. 2 to 9. It is submitted that the National Commission has held that the opposite parties were not parties to the main complaint. Referring to the case of Anjali Rathi, the Court permitted the appellants to proceed against the promoters of the company, which was subject to moratorium only because there was a settlement arrived at between them before this Court. He further submitted that these opponents cannot be held liable. National Commission has not made any adjudication on the question whether the opposite parties in the execution application were under an obligation to abide by the directions issued against the company. There is no finding recorded by the National Commission that moratorium will apply to the directors/officers of the company.


The court analyzed that, only because there is a moratorium under Section 14 of the IBC against the company, it cannot be said that no proceedings can be initiated against the opposite party Nos. 2 to 9 for execution, they are also liable to abide by and comply with the order, which is passed against the company. The protection of the moratorium will not be available to the directors/officers of the company. The appeal was partly allowed and the court set aside the impugned judgments and orders and remit the execution application to the National Commission.

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Judgement Reviewed By- Shreyasi Ghatak

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Directors/Officers of a company are Still liable even if the company is under a moratorium: Supreme Court

Case title: Ansal crown heights flat buyers association vs m/s. Ansal crown infrabuild Pvt. Ltd. & Ors.

Case no.: Civil Appeal No. 4481 of 2023

Decided on: 17.01.2024

Quorum: Hon’ble Justice Abhay S. Oka, Hon’ble Justice Ujjal Bhuyan.



The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) issued an order that is the basis for this appeal. It directs the Developer to finish the project in its entirety and give Association of Homebuyers members possession of the assigned flats or apartments within the time frame that the home buyers were given.

The appellants sought to execute this direction by filing execution applications. The developer is the company against which the National Commission issued the aforementioned directive. The aforementioned company is the subject of the proceedings under Section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. The National Company Law Tribunal has admitted the petition filed against the company under Section 9 of the IBC. The appellants sought to carry out the National Commission’s directions against both the company and other respondents.

The National Commission decided that because of the moratorium under Section 14 of the IBC, the decree could not be implemented against the company and said it would be improper to carry out the same execution against the opposing parties Nos. 2 to 9 in light of the company’s moratorium.  It was also noted that Nos. 2 to 9, the other parties opposing the execution application, were not involved in the primary complaint.


Section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 deals with “Application for initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process by operational creditor.”

The section 32A(1) second provision states that “Provided further that every person who was a designated partner as defined in clause (j) of section 2 of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, or an officer who is in default, as defined in clause (60) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013, or was in any manner in charge of, or responsible to the corporate debtor for the conduct of its business or associated with the corporate debtor in any manner and who was directly or indirectly involved in the commission of such offence as per the report submitted or complaint filed by the investigating authority, shall continue to be liable to be prosecuted and punished for such an offence committed by the corporate debtor notwithstanding that the corporate debtor’s liability has ceased under this sub-section.”


Whether the directors/officers of the company are liable while the company is under moratorium?


The appellant argued that Section 14 of the IBC, which places a moratorium on actions against the company’s directors and officers, does not forbid such actions. Section 32A(1) of the IBC was also cited by the appellant. The court also decided that the directors’ and officers’ liability, if any, would continue despite the moratorium, based on its rulings in the P. Mohanraj v. Shah Bros. Ispat (P) Ltd. case. The court determined that the moratorium under Section 14 of the IBC would not prohibit the petitioners from initiating proceedings against the promoters of the first respondent Corporate Debtor in order to enforce the settlements reached before this Court in the case of Anjali Rathi and others vs. Today Homes and Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. and Others.


The respondents contended that the order sought to be executed imposes no liability on respondent Nos. 2 to 9. According to the submission, the National Commission determined that respondent Nos. 2 to 9 were not parties to the main complaint.

Their main contention was that in the case of Anjali Rathi, this Court made a departure by allowing the appellants to proceed against the company’s promoters, who were only subject to a moratorium because they reached an agreement before this Court.


The Court accepted the decision in P. Mohanraj’s case and allowed the appellants to proceed expressly against the company’s promoters despite the fact that the company was subject to a moratorium under Section 14 of the IBC.

The court ruled that just because the company is subject to a moratorium under Section 14 of the IBC, it cannot be said that no proceedings against respondent Nos. 2 to 9 for execution can be initiated, provided that they are otherwise obligated to abide by and comply with the order issued against it. The moratorium will not protect the company’s directors and officers.

The court remanded the execution application to the National Commission and overturned the contested rulings and orders. The execution of respondents from 2 to 9 to the execution application will go on.


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Written by – Surya Venkata Sujith

Click to read the judgement


Navigating the Transition: Delhi High Court’s Decision on Transfer of Winding Up Proceedings to NCLT under IBC   

Case Title: Uma Sharma v. Octagon Builders & Promoters & Anr. 

Date of Decision: 21st September 2023 

Case Number: CO.PET. 147/2014 & CO.APPLs. 858/2018, 301/2023, OLR 211/2019, OLR 293/2019 

Coram: Justice Prathiba M. Singh 




Uma Sharma (the petitioner) filed a petition under Section 433(e) and Section 439 of the Companies Act, 1956, seeking the winding up of Octagon Builders & Promoters (the respondent company). Multiple petitions were filed against the respondent company on the grounds that payments made to the company had not been returned. The court appointed an Official Liquidator (OL) for CO.PET. 147/2014 and disposed of the other petitions, allowing the petitioners to file claims before the OL. However, proceedings evolved as the company went into liquidation, and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) was enacted. 


Factual Background 


Several petitions were filed before the High Court against Octagon Builders & Promoters, alleging non-repayment of amounts paid to the company. The court appointed the OL for CO.PET. 147/2014 and disposed of the other petitions, granting the petitioners the right to file claims. Meanwhile, a petition was filed in the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), Allahabad Bench, related to the same company. The court considered the implications of the IBC and pending proceedings under Section 434 of the Companies Act, 1956.  


Legal Issues 


  1. Whether winding up proceedings under Section 434 of the Companies Act, 1956 should be transferred to the NCLT due to the enactment of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016? 
  2. How should the pending winding up petitions be dealt with, considering the objectives of IBC and the stage of proceedings?


Observation and Analysis 


The court considered the provisions of IBC and the Supreme Court’s guidance regarding the transfer of winding up proceedings. It noted that IBC aims to revive corporate debtors, and liquidation should be the last resort. The court reviewed Rule 5 of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ notification, which determined the transfer of winding up cases to NCLT. It emphasized that cases not at an advanced stage should be transferred.  


Decision of the Court 


The court recalled the order appointing the Liquidator for CO.PET. 147/2014 and transferred the petition to NCLT, Allahabad Bench. It allowed the claimants to pursue their claims before the NCLT. The court emphasized that transactions post-petition filing would be subject to NCLT proceedings and would not prejudice the claimants’ interests. The court also ordered the transmission of electronic records to the NCLT and allowed another claimant to implead in the case.  


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Written by – Ananya Chaudhary 

Click here to view judgment 


IBC | It Is Not Arbitrary To Send A Demand Notice To A Personal Guarantor In Line With Rule 7(1)

Title:  Vineet Saraf v. Rural Electrification Corpn. Ltd. 
Decided on: 21st July, 2023

+ W.P. (C) 3293 of 2023

CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE Purushaindra Kumar Yadav


The case of Vineet Saraf v. Rural Electrification Corpn. Ltd. involves a writ petition filed by the petitioner to challenge an impugned demand notice issued by the respondent under Rule 7(1) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Application to Deciding Authority for Insolvency Resolution Procedure for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors Rules, 2019. The petitioner, acting as a personal surety for a debt backed by a corporate guarantee, initiated a Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process against FACOR Power Ltd. The resolution process resulted in a Resolution Plan approved by NCLT, Cuttack, and upheld by NCLAT and the Supreme Court. The petitioner contended that the respondent had promised to transfer the entire debt and related rights to FACOR Power Ltd. The respondent, on the other hand, argued that the financial creditors retained the right to pursue securities, citing continuous personal guarantees and third-party collateral provided as security for the debt. The respondent issued a demand notice based on the petitioner’s personal guarantee, which was contested by the petitioner.


The petitioner, a personal guarantor, challenged the respondent’s demand notice under the 2019 Rules, arguing that the respondent had assigned all obligations to FACOR Power Ltd. without excluding personal guarantees. The petitioner claimed that this assignment hindered the use of his guarantee. The Court emphasized the distinction between an unconditional release and a commitment not to sue, stating that a reserve clause in a deed that releases the primary borrower protects the creditor’s right to pursue action against the guarantor.

Analysis of Court Order

Justice Purushaindra Kumar Yadav of the Delhi High Court’s Single Judge Bench rejected the petitioner’s argument that the guarantor had a legal right to be heard at a later stage. The Court opined that granting the petition would violate the procedural requirements of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code of 2016 and deprive the respondent of the opportunity to present their case before the relevant NCLT. The Court set down important guidelines for consideration but left the decision on the case’s merits to NCLT.


The Delhi High Court denied the writ petition and refused to issue a writ of prohibition, emphasizing that it was not appropriate to create private commercial law to demonstrate the respondent’s lack of jurisdiction. The Court’s decision reiterated that the petitioner’s argument of having the right to be heard at a later stage was insufficient to proceed with the petition. The issue was left to NCLT’s determination based on the merits of the case.

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Written by- Ankit Kaushik

Click here to view judgement


Secured Creditors and the Rainbow Impact on IBC


This article is based on the decision given by the hon’ble supreme court on STATE TAX OFFICER ( 1 ) VERSUS RAINBOW PAPERS LIMITED LNIND 2022 SC 596  and it will further dissect the legal question raised in this case along with the previous precedents of the hon’ble SC in similar cases.

The Verdict in this case basically held that the resolution plan proposed by the Committee of Creditors (COC) wouldn’t pass the scrutiny of law if the debtor fails to pay off the tax dues owed by him to the relevant tax authority, in such a case the Debtor is bound to liquidate its assets under section 53 of the IBC.

It goes without saying that the aforementioned judgement has raised worries within the insolvency sector, and as a result, the stakeholders have been considering what has to be done in order to comply with the aforementioned ruling.


The controversy brought up in the judgement was outstanding taxes under the Gujarat Value Added Tax Act of 2003 (the “GVAT”) and how they conflicted with the waterfall system under Section 53 of the IBC. The waterfall mechanism, which is covered by Section 53 of the IBC, was only implemented as a legal tool to establish a hierarchy for prioritising the payment of obligations at the time of the corporate debtor’s liquidation. In essence, the dispute in the case is around outstanding claims from governmental bodies and privately secured debts. It is essential to review the ruling at this time and comprehend how it affects the IBC’s goal. Section 48 of the Gujarat Value Added Tax Act, 2003 (“GVAT Act”), according to the Supreme Court (“SC”), is not in conflict with or in contravention of Section 53 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“the Code”).

Analysis of the Court

In reaching the aforementioned conclusion, the Court made an important ruling by concluding that because the State Government has first charge over the property and is considered a “secured creditor” under the Gujarat Value Added Tax, 1974, it will also be treated as such under Section 53 (1) (b) (ii) of the IBC for liquidation purposes.

The State’s claim has been ruled to be untimely by the adjudicating authority (NCLT) and the appellate authority (NCLAT). Regulation 12 of the 2016 Regulations addresses the deadline for submitting a claim and supporting documentation, which is outlined in the public notification made according to Section 15 of the IBC. However, the time period is merely a guide and not required.

It also observed in the case of Vishal Saxena & Anr. v. Swami Deen Gupta where NCLT held that the time limit under Regulation 12 for submitting a claim is directory and not necessary in the matter of Resolution Professional. In its ruling and decision of June 10, 2021 in Assistant Commissioner of Customs v. Mathur Sabhapathy Vishwanathan, the NCLT adopted a similar stance. Thus, State’s claim cannot be rejected without violating the law.

The Adjudicating Authority may only approve the Resolution Plan, as approved by the Committee of Creditors (CoC), if the Adjudicating Authority is satisfied that the Resolution Plan complies with Section 30(2) of the IBC. This is made clear by Section 31 of the IBC, which governs the approval of a Resolution Plan by the Adjudicating Authority. The Resolution Plan cannot be authorised if it does not adhere to Section 30(2)’s standards.

The hon’ble court also took note of, Ghanshyam Mishra & Sons (P) Ltd. v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Co. Ltd.,

“A simple reading of Section 31 of the I&B Code would also make it abundantly clear that the corporate debtor, as well as its employees, members, creditors, guarantors, and other stakeholders, are bound by the resolution plan once it has been approved by the adjudicating authority and it has determined that the resolution plan as approved by CoC satisfies the requirements referred to in Subsection (2) of Section 30. Such a clause is necessary since one of the main goals of the I&B Code is to revive the corporate debtor and turn it into an operating business.”[1]

“The resolution plan submitted by the successful resolution applicant must include a number of provisions, including a payment provision for the costs of the insolvency resolution process and a payment provision for operational creditors’ debts, which must not be less than the amount that would be paid to those creditors in the event that the corporate debtor was liquidated in accordance with Section 53, or the amount that would have been paid had the amount to be distributed under that section been less. The resolution plan must also include provisions for paying the obligations of financial creditors who reject the resolution plan, which also must not be less than the sum paid to those creditors in accordance with Section 53, subsection (1), in the event that the corporate debtor is liquidated. To dispel confusion, Explanation 1 to Clause (b) of Subsection (2) of Section 30 of the I&B Code specifies that a distribution made in line with the terms of the aforementioned clause must be just and equitable to such creditors. The resolution plan must also include provisions for the administration of the corporate debtor’s affairs following approval, as well as for the execution and oversight of the resolution plan, Clause a(e) of sub-section (2) of Section 30 of the I&B Code also casts a duty on RP to examine that the resolution plan does not contravene any of the provisions of the law for the time being in force.”[2]

A resolution plan approved by the Committee of Creditors in accordance with Subsection (4) of Section 30 of the IBC may, under Section 31 of the IBC, only be approved by the Adjudicating Authority if the Adjudicating Authority is satisfied that the resolution plan meets the conditions outlined in Subsection (2) of Section 30 of the IBC. The fulfilment of Sub-Section (2) of Section 30 of the IBC criteria is a prerequisite for the approval of a resolution plan.

The Central Government, any State Government, any statutory or other authority, any financial creditor, or any other creditor to whom a debt in respect of dues arising under any law currently in effect is owed would be bound by a resolution plan that is valid and complies with Sub-Section (2) of Section 30 of the IBC. When there are still unpaid statutory obligations owed by a corporate debtor, such a resolution plan would not be binding on the State.

It also held that a company must be liquidated and its assets sold and distributed in accordance with Section 53 of the IBC if it is unable to pay its debts, which should include any statutory obligations to the government and/or other authorities, and there is no plan that envisages dissipation of those debts in a phased manner, uniform proportional reduction.

In the opinion of the court, the Committee of Creditors—which may include financial institutions and other financial creditors—cannot secure its own obligations at the expense of any other obligations, including statutory obligations to any government or governmental authority. Section 48 of the GVAT Act is not in conflict with Section 53 of the IBC or any other IBC requirements. According to Section 53(1)(b)(ii), debts payable to a secured creditor—which, under the GVAT Act, would include the State—rank equally with other specified obligations, including debts related to workman’s compensation for the 24 months prior to the liquidation beginning date. the GVAT Act designates the State as a secured creditor. A creditor to whom a security interest is credited is referred to as a secured creditor in Section 3(30) of the IBC. Such a security interest might be established legally. Any government or governmental authority is not excluded from the IBC’s definition of secured creditor.

Thus, the Court allowed the appeal of the appellant and set aside the order of the tribunal.

Claims Countering the verdict

The legal position is quite poles apart from this verdict, as the apex court had already stated in its verdict in “PR Commissioner of Income Tax v. Monnet Ispat and Energy Limited”, where it categorically held that “IBC has overriding effect on the every existing law inconsistent to it including the Income tax law. Further, the Apex Court also took a note that because Income Tax debts are in the nature of Crown Debts, they do not take precedence even over secured creditors who are private individuals, citing the case of Dena Bank vs. Bhikhabhai Prabhudas Parekh and Co., reported in 2000 (5) SCC 694 [LNIND 2000 SC 721].”[3]

The Bombay High Court recently held that secured debt shall take priority over “Government” dues/tax dues in the case of M/s Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction v. M/s Tax Recovery Officer, 5 dated July 28, 2021. The court based this decision on the fact that the Income Tax Act makes no reference to the obligations of the Income Tax Department taking precedence over secured debt. The Revenue was not permitted to impede the petitioner’s rights as a secured creditor. The order for attachment was invalid.

The tax dues, being an input to the Consolidated Fund of India and of the States, clearly come within the ambit of section 53(1)(e) of the Code. If the Legislature, in its wisdom, assigned the fifth position in the order of priority to such dues, it is not for this Court to delve into or belittle the rationale underlying the same”[4]

A secured creditor often falls under the category of financial creditors. However, there may be circumstances in which even an operating debtor qualifies as a “secured creditor.” For instance, the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal recognised an operational creditor as a secured creditor in the Concast Steel & Power Ltd. v. MSTC Limited case because of a pledge agreement that had been made with the corporate debtor.


Thus it is advised that the Supreme Court must review the current ruling and clarify the law in light of this. It is obvious that if the existing legal situation is allowed to continue, it would harm the goal that the Code is meant to accomplish. As a result, the added responsibility of paying current or potential government and legislative dues is likely to deter any prospective resolution application. In the end, it could lead to fewer settlement requests, lower asset valuations, and higher haircuts for creditors.

[1] Para 65 Ghanshyam Mishra & Sons (P) Ltd. v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Co. Ltd.

[2] Para 66 Ghanshyam Mishra & Sons (P) Ltd. v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Co. Ltd.

[3] Para 4, PR Commissioner of Income Tax v. Monnet Ispat and Energy Limited

[4] Leo Edibles & Fats Limited v. Tax Recovery Officer, Writ Petition No. 8560 of 2018.

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Written By – Shreyanshu Gupta