“Faster Health Insurance Claims: IRDAI’s Recent Directives”


With healthcare prices on the rise, it is now widely believed that having health insurance is essential. Nevertheless, selecting an insurance can be difficult, and policyholders frequently have to deal with a lot of difficulties when their claims are resolved. A new master circular from the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) attempts to streamline the entire process and benefit the policy holder. “The master circular emphasizes measures towards providing seamless, faster and hassle-free claims experience to a policy holder procuring health insurance policy and ensuring enhanced service standards across the health insurance sector,” the insurance regulator stated. Insurance companies, according to IRDAI, should work toward facilitating 100% cashless claim settlement in a timely way.

The regulator requires the businesses to respond to requests for cashless authorization within an hour. Additionally, the hospital should obtain a final authorization for discharge, and that decision should be made within three hours. In the event that a claim is settled, the policyholder will not be required to provide any documentation, according to IRDAI. Rather, it stated that the necessary paperwork should be obtained from the hospitals by the insurance companies and TPAs (third-party administrators). “No policy and claim of health insurance shall be contestable on any grounds of non-disclosure and/ or misrepresentation except for established fraud, after the completion of the moratorium period, i.e. 60 months of continuous coverage,” stated IRDAI. “The claims review committee’s approval is necessary before any claim can be renounced. a choice to reject each and every allegation,” it continued. In the event that a patient passes away while receiving treatment, the hospital must release their mortal remains right away.

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)

 In most cases, the insurer rewards a policyholder who maintains no claims over the policy period with a no-claims bonus, which takes the shape of a larger sum assured. According to IRDAI, the insurer may provide the policyholder the choice of receiving a no claims bonus by either raising the sum insured or lowering the premium price. Clients must have the freedom to select products, add-ons, and riders based on their needs and medical conditions. Crucially, as per IRDAI, “A health insurance coverage is renewed and cannot be refused based just on the fact that unless there was proof of proven fraud, non-disclosure, or misrepresentation by the insured, no claim was filed in the years prior to the policy.” If a policyholder neglects to renew the coverage, the insurer is required to offer a grace period of thirty days during which the premium can be paid in full each year, in half-yearly increments, or in quarterly installments, with all accumulated credits under the policy.

 There will be a grace period of 15 days for policies when premiums are paid on a monthly basis. “In addition, unless there is a rise in the amount insured, an insurer may not pursue new underwriting,” the statement stated. Notably, if the policyholder decides to terminate at any point throughout the policy term, they will also be eligible for a refund of the premium or a prorated cost for the unexpired insurance period term in accordance with IRDAI. In the event that a client wishes to transfer the insurance to a different insurer, the regulator has now established stringent deadlines. If the policyholder does not receive the ombudsman’s award within 30 days, the insurer would be responsible for paying the policyholder Rs 5,000 each day. TPA performance will also need to be observed, according to IRDAI. Payments to the TPAs must only be given when they have completed their work satisfactorily.

Claim back of compensation/fees based on customer feedback paid to TPA, which will be distributed to policyholders,” it emphasized. The policy holder must be offered the choice to switch to other acceptable products or a one-time chance to renew the product if an insurance provider withdraws a specific product. According to IRDAI, the renewal occurs within 90 days of the withdrawal date. In the event that a client wishes to transfer the insurance to a different insurer, the regulator has now established stringent deadlines. If the policyholder does not receive the ombudsman’s award within 30 days, the insurer would be responsible for paying the policyholder Rs 5,000 each day. TPA performance will also need to be observed, according to IRDAI. Payments to the TPAs must only be given when they have completed their work satisfactorily. Claim back of compensation/fees based on customer feedback paid to TPA, which will be distributed to policyholders,” it emphasized. In the event that an insurance provider discontinues a specific product, the policyholder must be offered the opportunity to switch to another appropriate products or a one-time opportunity to renew the product provided it is done within ninety days of the withdrawal date.

A new master circular has been released by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) to expedite the processing of health insurance claims. The salient points are as follows:

Cashless Claim Settlement: Insurers must strive for 100% cashless claim settlement within a certain timeframe. Requests for cashless permission should be decided upon right away, ideally within an hour. Within three hours of the request, a final authorization should be determined for hospital discharge. In order to settle claims, policyholders are no longer required to provide documentation; instead, third-party administrators (TPAs) and insurers will obtain the required paperwork straight from hospitals.

 Non-Contestability Period: After a continuous 60-month coverage period, health insurance policies and claims cannot be disputed on the basis of non-disclosure or misrepresentation. A claim cannot be rejected without the claim’s consent committee for review. Health insurance plans are renewable and cannot be refused based on claims made in previous policy years (unless proven fraud or non-disclosure occurs). This is known as the No-Claims Bonus. Insurance companies are required to give policy renewals a grace period of 30 days. Policyholders have the option to obtain premium savings or an enhanced sum assured as a no-claims bonus. The goal of these changes is to improve service quality and make the claims process easier for policyholders.

Simplifying Health Insurance Claim Settlement

Certain exclusions are included in health insurance policies to make it clear what is and is not covered. These are a few typical exclusions:

 Pre-existing medical conditions: These are ailments that a policyholder had at the time of purchasing the policy. However, following a waiting time (often four years), many pre-existing conditions may be covered. Cosmetic surgery: Generally speaking, operations performed to improve the appearance of the face or body are not included. Alternative therapies and treatments: Some non-traditional therapies could not be reimbursed. Self-inflicted injuries: The insured person is not covered for injuries they purposefully cause.

Maternity and childbirth: Unless otherwise noted, maternity-related costs are frequently waived.

Diagnostic costs: You may be able to deduct costs for diagnostic testing. Permanent exclusions: These are particular treatment categories (such chronic illnesses) that are not covered by health insurance.

Common Exclusions in Health Insurance Policies

Pre-existing condition exclusions from health insurance policies usually include a four-year waiting period. Any treatment for pre-existing conditions might not be covered during this time. But coverage for certain conditions normally starts after the waiting period. Remember that waiting times can change based on the insurer and the particular policy.

Waiting Period for Pre-existing Conditions

If you require quick coverage for a pre-existing condition, explore the following options: If you are employed, find out if your place of employment has group health insurance. Pre-existing conditions are frequently covered by group policies without waiting periods.

 Super Top-Up or Top-Up Plans: These plans offer extra coverage in addition to what your current health insurance covers. There may be no waiting periods for pre-existing diseases they cover.

Plans for Particular Diseases: Certain insurance companies provide plans for particular diseases (such diabetes or hypertension) that cover pre-existing disorders right away.

Portability: Consider moving your current policy to a different insurer if you already have one. You can keep the benefits of your previous policy’s waiting period if you have portability.



2. https://www.onsurity.com/blog/exclusions-in-health-insurance/

3. https://www.myinsuranceclub.com/articles/inclusions-and-exclusions-in-your-health-insurance-policy

4. https://www.canstar.com.au/health-insurance/inclusions-exclusions-restrictions/

5. https://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance/exclusion.htm

6. https://www.theweek.in/news/india/2024/05/30/irdai-issues-new-master-circular-to-make-health-insurance-claims-process-more-seamless.html

7. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/irdai-sets-3-hour-limit-to-settle-health-claims/articleshow/110544039.cms

8. https://www.msn.com/en-in/health/health-news/health-insurance-claim-new-rules-irdai-issues-circular-for-insurers-to-decide-on-cashless-authorisation-in-1-hour/ar-BB1nitJ3


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Examining the Legal and Ethical Dimensions in Organ Donation and Transplantation


Living organ donors contribute organs such as a kidney, a portion of the liver, a segment of the pancreas, or a part of the lung to aid ailing individuals for therapeutic purposes. In India, the legal framework for organ donation from both living and brain stem dead donors was established through the Transplantation of Human Organs Act (THOA) in 1994. The act underwent an amendment in 2011, allowing swap transplants among incompatible living donor-recipient pairs. The subsequent Gazette notification of Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissue (THOT) Rules in 2014 further regulated these procedures. Notably, live organ donation in India is predominantly limited to kidney or partial liver donations. It is worth mentioning that individuals, born with two kidneys, can sustain a healthy life after donating one kidney to someone in need. Additionally, donors can contribute a portion of their liver, which typically regenerates within three months.

A living donor must meet certain health criteria, excluding conditions such as HIV, hepatitis, acute infections, uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and psychiatric disorders. In India, living donors are required to contribute organs motivated by pure love, affiliation, and affection, with a minimum age requirement of 18. These transplants involve organs donated by both living and brain stem dead donors.

Kinds of Living Donors

Two types of living donors who can donate organs are:

  1. Known Organ Donors- These organ donors are individuals with an established connection to the recipient, either through biological ties or longstanding social relationships. The donation is characterized by a bond of love and affection, with the donors choosing to share their organs to save the life of a loved one. However, the verification of such relationships requires the submission of various documents to the “Competent authority” or “Authorization Committee” to ensure the authenticity of the donor-recipient relationship. Near Related Organ Donor- Under THOT Rules 2014, the transplantation of organs is sanctioned among near relatives, including spouses, parents, siblings, children, grandparents, and grandchildren. However, this requires approval from the “Competent Authority,” which is typically the Director, Medical Superintendent, or in-charge of a hospital. The role of the “Competent Authority” is to verify the authenticity of the donor-recipient relationship, ensuring that it is genuine and free from any coercion or undue pressure on the donor. Other than Near Relatives- In India, organ donation by individuals beyond near relatives (friends, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) is allowed with the endorsement of an “Authorization Committee” at the hospital, district, or state level. Hospitals conducting more than 25 transplant surgeries annually can establish a “Hospital Authorization Committee.”
  2. Unknown Organ Donors- These donors are unfamiliar to the recipients, and there is no emotional bond or connection between them. Purely Altruistic Organ Donors- Some individuals, motivated by appeals in print or electronic media, donate organs to strangers or contribute to anyone on the waiting list, sometimes initiating a domino chain of organ donation. While such altruistic or anonymous organ donations are permitted in advanced nations like the USA and the UK, Indian law currently does not allow for such living donors. Quasi – Altruistic Organ Donors- A quasi-altruistic donor is an individual who donates an organ after receiving the same organ from either a living or deceased donor. This scenario is common among heart or liver domino donors. For instance, a quasi-altruistic domino heart donor contributes their healthy heart to someone in need after receiving two lungs and a healthy heart from a deceased donor. Similarly, a quasi-altruistic domino liver donor donates their liver to another recipient after receiving a portion of the liver from either a living or deceased donor. This unique form of live donation, known as domino donation, allows the donor to simultaneously become a recipient and donor. Unlike regular live donors, there is no age restriction for domino donors. According to the THOA-1994, this form of live donation is permitted as it provides therapeutic benefits to both the donor and the recipient. Non-Altruistic Organ Donors- In this category, the donor remains anonymous to the recipient. Individuals donate organs to strangers with the condition that they receive the best-matched organ for their own relatives or friends, to whom they intend to donate organs. This reciprocal arrangement is known as a swap transplant. If organs are exchanged among more than two incompatible donor-recipient pairs, it is referred to as a domino transplant.

Challenges and Obstacles in Living Organ Donation

  1. Issues with Authorization Committees

Delays in Scrutinizing Applications- Authorization committees are not meeting regularly to assess donor-recipient motives, causing approval delays and impacting desperate recipients. Inconsistent meetings are attributed to the committees’ composition, consisting of senior individuals with busy schedules. Some committee members may lack understanding of medical urgencies, leading to delays and wasted time, hindering life-saving efforts.

Abuse of Organ Donation Laws and an Overcautious Health System- Organ trade rackets are discovered yearly, making the health system cautious even in genuine cases. Misuse of technology, such as photo manipulation and fake documents, poses challenges for authorities. Instances of creating fake identities for paid living donors, known as “proxies,” complicate the evaluation process. Ethical dilemmas arise for committees, torn between strict legal adherence and making exceptions to save lives, leading to criticism regardless of their decisions.

Ethical Dilemmas and Overcautious Health System- Authorization committees sometimes struggle to discern the true motives of highly motivated living donors. Motives include gaining respect in a matrimonial house, fear of rejection by family or society, promises of foreign trips or jobs abroad, and employment in family businesses. Committees face ethical dilemmas in choosing between strict legal adherence and relaxing rules to save lives, risking criticism in either scenario. Overcautious health systems contribute to unnecessary transplant delays by referring near relatives to overburdened authorization committees instead of the less time-consuming ‘Competent Authority.’

  1. Entire focus on Deceased Donation

Meeting the Growing Demand for Organ Transplants- India faces a substantial demand for organs due to the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension. Relying solely on deceased donation is insufficient; there is a need to emphasize living organ donation. Countries with high deceased donation rates, like Spain and the USA, also actively engage in living organ donation.

Persuading States to Adopt Transplantation Laws- Health being a state subject, most states have not adopted the Transplantation of Human Organs Act (THOA)-2011 legalizing swap transplants. THOA, 1994 has been adopted by all states except Jammu and Kashmir and Andhra Pradesh. Persuading states to adopt amended acts and rules, including the benefits of an extended list of donors and swap transplants, remains a significant challenge.

Registering More People for Swap and Domino Chains- Encouraging more donor-recipient pairs to register for swap transplants is crucial. The Apex Swap Transplant Registry addresses incompatibility among donors and recipients. Establishing Regional and State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organizations (ROTTO and SOTTO) and creating paired donation transplant registries nationwide under the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) is a complex task requiring active participation from all states.

Preventing Exploitation and Ensuring Informed Decision Making- Living donors and their relatives often receive selective information about costs and risks, leading to exploitation. Instances of exorbitant charges, unethical practices, and inadequate information disclosure have been reported. The focus on financial transactions sometimes overshadows the importance of ensuring donors are well-informed and protected.

  1. Infrastructure and Manpower Shortages

Government hospitals face a lack of both infrastructure and skilled personnel for transplant surgeries. Out of approximately 250 transplant centers in India, the majority are in private institutions. About 90% of transplant surgeries are conducted in private hospitals, resulting in long waiting lists in government hospitals. Some cases, such as a recipient funded by the Prime Minister’s Office for a kidney transplant, highlight the severe consequences of delays in the government sector.

  1. Absence of Comprehensive Data on Risk

Living donors often make decisions impulsively due to moral obligations towards family, friends, or society. Social norms play a significant role in living donations, with donors not thoroughly considering the potential risks to their own health and life. There is a lack of a structured mechanism to follow up with donors, resulting in an absence of comprehensive data on post-donation outcomes. The absence of such data makes it challenging for donors to accurately assess the risks associated with their organ donations.

  1. Neglect of Unforeseen Medical Issues in Living Donors

The lack of consideration for unforeseen medical issues in living donors is evident, raising concerns about prioritizing financial interests over donor health. The decision to donate involves significant risks and potential long-term financial implications. Without adequate insurance coverage, the well-being of donors, including recovery and productivity post-surgery, remains a neglected aspect that requires attention and resolution.

 The Future Path

  1. Infrastructure Challenges and Data Compilation- Improving government infrastructure for surgeries is challenging, but the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) aims to compile comprehensive data on living donors through Regional and State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organizations (ROTTO and SOTTO) with cooperation from states.
  2. Donor Follow-Up Register and Informed Decision-Making- Establishing a Donor follow-up register at NOTTO, ROTTO, and SOTTO can provide comprehensive data for prospective donors to make informed decisions about potential risks.
  3. Streamlining Approval Processes– To prevent delays, make it mandatory for “Authorization Committees” to scrutinize applications within two weeks.
  4. Health Insurance for Living Donors- Emulate practices in Israel and Singapore by ensuring health insurance for living donors, emphasizing concern for their post-donation medical issues. Consider making it mandatory for recipient families to contribute toward risk coverage for donors, akin to risk coverage allowance for health professionals.
  5. Regulating Transplant Surgery Costs- Address unregulated transplant surgery costs by following the model for Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) beneficiaries.
  6. Gender Sensitivity and Priority for Women- Sensitively address gender issues, giving priority to women in waiting lists for deceased donation due to societal dynamics.
  7. Challenges of State Subject and THO Amendment Act- Overcome challenges arising from health being a state subject by encouraging all states to adopt the THO Amendment Act-2011, with ongoing efforts by NOTP and NOTTO officials.
  8. Transparency and Patient Welfare- Combat patient exploitation by making it mandatory for transplant hospitals to disclose patient lists and total payments. Mandate hospitals to publish survival rates of transplant surgeries on their websites, fostering competition and informed choices by families.
  9. Government Support for Lifelong Post-Transplant Costs- Consider providing lifelong coverage for post-transplant medical costs to ensure justice for less affluent individuals.


In conclusion, this examination provides insights into living organ donation practices in India under the Transplantation of Human Organs Act (THOA) 1994 and its amended version. The classification of donors, roles of authorities, and various challenges are discussed. The article underscores the need to address issues like infrastructure limitations, data gaps, gender bias, and technology misuse. Key challenges include motivating states to adopt amended acts, increasing registrations for swaps, preventing hospital exploitation, and enhancing the focus on living organ donation. The path forward involves collaborative efforts by the National Organ Transplant Programme (NOTP) and the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) to navigate these challenges and improve ethical practices in living organ donation in India.

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Section 5 Limitation Act| Court Must Not Discriminate Against Government Agencies, Government Has Special Obligation To Perform Duties: High Court of Delhi

Title:  Department of Health v. Kamla Mehndiratta and Ors.
Ordered on:  4th August, 2023

+  CM APPL. Nos. 20019/2019 and 20017/2019 in W.P.(C) 3613/2004 & CM APPL. 20068/2022 & CM APPL. 20069/2022




The Delhi High Court recently declined to condone an inordinate delay of 691 days in an application seeking restoration of a petition filed by a government agency. The Court emphasized that government agencies, despite facing bureaucratic delays, must provide valid reasons for such delays. The case raised questions about the admissibility of the application given the substantial delay and the requirement for sufficient cause to condone delay under Section 5 of the Limitation Act.


The petitioner, a government agency, sought restoration of a petition that had been dismissed in default by the Labour Court. The petition had challenged an order of the Labour Court concerning the appointment and promotion of the respondent, who was initially appointed on a temporary basis and later worked as a regular staff member. The petitioner filed the restoration application after a delay of 691 days.

Analysis and Held

Justice Chandra Dhari Singh, a Single Judge Bench, underscored the significance of providing sufficient cause to condone delay under Section 5 of the Limitation Act. While acknowledging that government agencies may encounter procedural delays, the Court emphasized that unexplained delays of such magnitude could set a precedent for more similar applications.

The Court acknowledged the petitioner’s argument, which cited frequent changes in panel advocates and the resulting delay in restoration application filing. However, the Court expressed dissatisfaction with the petitioner’s failure to act in a timely manner despite ample resources at its disposal.

Justice Singh highlighted the special obligation of government agencies to perform duties diligently and committedly. Condonation of delay should be an exception and not a convenience for government departments. The Court emphasized that the phrase “sufficient cause” is pivotal in seeking extension of the prescribed period, requiring the petitioner to justify the delay convincingly.

In light of these considerations, the Delhi High Court held that the petitioner failed to satisfy the court that there existed a sufficient cause justifying the delay of 691 days in filing the application seeking restoration. Consequently, the Court declined to condone the delay and upheld the dismissal of the application for restoration.

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Written by- Ankit Kaushik

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