Pune Porche Accident: Bombay High Court Ignores “See Accused’s Action and not Age,” Despite Public Outcry.

The accused, who is considered a kid under the Juvenile Justice Act, must be treated with the same respect as all other children who are in conflict with law, the court decided.

In the case of Pooja Gagan Jain v. State of Maharashtra, the infamous Pune minor Porsche accident in its order of releasing the juvenile accused from the observation home, the Bombay high court determined that the call to “see the accused’s action and not his age” would have to be overlooked.

The divison bench of justices Manjusha Deshpande and Bharati Dangre, determined that the juvenile accused must receive the same treatment that every other child in conflict with law is entitled to receive. They stated that the purpose of the 2015 Act, which is that to ensure children in conflict with law are meant to be dealt separately and not like adults. Although the prosecution requested that the accused be charged with a ‘heinous offence’ and prosecuted as an adult, the Court emphasised that such considerations must be consistent with the law’s provisions. It underlined that the legislative framework requires an inclusive and enabling environment to lessen children’s vulnerabilities. As a result, the Court has granted the juvenile accused relief under the Juvenile Justice Act’s specific provisions.

This order was passed after the accused’s aunt moved the Bombay high court saying that the accused was detained by juvenile justice board in observation home, arbitrarily and unlawfully.

Two people were killed when the juvenile in conflict with law, son of a well-known Pune builder struck a motorbike in the Kalyani Nagar neighbourhood with his Porsche car. Later on, it was discovered that the accused had been drinking with his friends at a pub prior to the incident, leading to the whole mishap. In accordance with the requirements of the Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Act and Sections 304A, 279, 337, and 338 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), he was charged with reckless and careless driving, inflicting harm by jeopardising the safety of people, and causing death by carelessness.

On May 19, he was given bail, but he was subsequently placed under monitoring in a home.

“PRIME LEGAL is a full-service law firm that has won a National Award and has more than 20 years of experience in an array of sectors and practice areas. Prime legal fall into a category of best law firm, best lawyer, best family lawyer, best divorce lawyer, best divorce law firm, best criminal lawyer, best criminal law firm, best consumer lawyer, best civil lawyer.”

Written By – Gnaneswarran Beemarao


Tamil Nadu Police Unearth Over 300 Gallons of Illegal Alcohol After Kallakurichi Hooch Tragedy; Death Toll Continues to Rise, Now at 58.

Nearly 300 gallons of illegal alcohol was discovered underground in a nearby village by Tamil Nadu Police probing the Kallakurichi hooch disaster.  58 people have died as a result of drinking alcohol that has been tampered with, prompting the investigation. The Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital in Salem lost 18 patients, the Government Villupuram Medical College Hospital in Puducherry witnessed four deaths, and the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) in Puducherry witnessed three deaths. Overall, at least thirty have people died at these hospitals.

250 gallons of illicit liquor was found and burnt in Tamil Nadu’s Tiruchirapalli district in retaliation to the deaths in Kallakurichi. According to authorities, Tiruchirapalli district collector Pradeep Kumar and superintendent of police Varun Kumar acted on this information, which they received on Friday night.

The Prohibition Team and the Tamil Nadu Police worked together to conduct a thorough crackdown on the selling of fake alcohol after the incident. As a result of the operation, the CB-CID has detained 62 people to further the investigation and arrested seven people.

“PRIME LEGAL is a full-service law firm that has won a National Award and has more than 20 years of experience in an array of sectors and practice areas. Prime legal fall into a category of best law firm, best lawyer, best family lawyer, best divorce lawyer, best divorce law firm, best criminal lawyer, best criminal law firm, best consumer lawyer, best civil lawyer.”

Written By – Gnaneswarran Beemarao


“We are bothered by the decision rendered by the High Court in the instance of extreme provocation and assault; Supreme Court overturns decision of higher court in case of grave assault.”

Case Title: Ramayan Singh v. The State of Uttar Pradesh 

Case No.: SLP (Crl.) No.14988 of 2023 

Dated On: 19th April, 2024 

Quorum:  Justice Sanjay Karol and Justice Satish Chandra Sharma  



The facts of the case revolves around one Ramayan Singh who is the appellant and also the original complainant. The facts of the case reveal that a First Information Report (the “FIR”) was lodged by the Appellant i.e., the Original Complainant, on 03.01.2022 stating that on 02.01.2022 at around 3:30 PM, the Appellant along with his uncle i.e., Jitendra Singh (the “Deceased”) and his driver i.e., Rahul were returning from Bankati Bazar when their vehicle was stopped by the accused person(s) including inter alia (i) Respondent No. 2; and (ii) Punit Pal. The accused persons verbally abused the Deceased and proceeded to shatter the windows of the vehicle with iron rods. Subsequently they dragged the Deceased out of the vehicle – and physically assaulted the Deceased with iron rods, hockey sticks and bats with an intention to kill him. 

Upon stealing the deceased’s gold chain and mobile phones from both the driver and the deceased, the accused fled the scene of the incident. After being taken to the Primary Health Centre in Bankati, the deceased was taken to the District Hospital in Basti and then to Sahara Hospital in Lucknow, where he passed away on February 10, 2022, as a result of his severe injuries.  

The deceased person had injuries to his or her head, hand, and knee, according to an inquest report that was written on the same day, February 10, 2022. (ii) A post-mortem was performed, and the results showed that the deceased had four serious antemortem head injuries. Crucially, ante mortem head injuries were found to be the cause of death, leaving the patient in a coma. 

The Original Complainant, who filed the current appeals, is the appellant in this case. In it, he challenges the validity of the order(s) that the High Court issued, expanding (i) Respondent No. 2 and (ii) placing Punit Pal on bail in connection with the FIR.  



The appellant contended, rather vehemently, The High Court lacked jurisdiction to grant bail to Respondent No. 2 and Punit Pal given the following facts: (i) accusations had been made against the accused individual(s); (ii) Respondent No. 2 had been found to be the owner of the weapon used in the assault of the deceased; and (iii) the Trial Court had issued well-reasoned orders rejecting bail requests for Respondent No. 2 and Punit Pal.  

It was also further alleged that there is a genuine and likely risk to the accused person(s)’s capacity to influence witnesses given the tremendous influence they have in the area—including Respondent No. 2 and Punit Pal, among others—that all of the businesses close to the scene of the incident stayed closed for ten (10) days following the incident.  

The counsel on behalf of the appellants alleged that Punit Pal and Respondent No. 2 have abused their power. Specifically, it was argued that Appellant himself was the target of threats from Respondent No. 2 and Punit Pal, and that a named witness had previously requested police protection from the Trial Court due to threats made against him while the case was pending.  

that Punit Pal and Respondent No. 2 have abused their power. Specifically, it was argued that Appellant himself was the target of threats from Respondent No. 2 and Punit Pal, and that a named witness had previously requested police protection from the Trial Court due to threats made against him while the case was pending.  



In a vehement argument, Senior Counsel for Respondent No. 2 and Punit Pal made the following claims in court: That while Respondent No. 2 and Punit Pal have been complying with the trial, the Appellant has put the proceedings before the Trial Court on hold. 

That the accusation made against Punit Pal and Respondent No. 2 about the extension of threats to the appellant was completely false and, in reality, was part of a deliberate attempt to discredit Punit Pal and Respondent No. 2.  

It was further alleged that there was no formal agreement regarding the purported deal between the appellant and Mr. Pankaj Sharma and his wife Mrs. Ashu, even though the second respondent (Vivek Pal @ Vikki Pal) claimed to have given the appellant Rs. 1 lakh in cash. Remarkably, the complainants in this instance were not Mr. Pankaj Sharma or Mrs. Ashu, from whose bank account the money was purportedly moved. Despite these contentions, the second respondent did not appear to contest the matter. 



  • S.147 OF IPC- Punishment for rioting. If someone is found guilty of rioting, they could face up to two years in prison of any kind, a fine, or both.  
  • S.148 OF IPC- Rioting, armed with deadly weapon. Anyone found guilty of rioting, carrying a lethal weapon, or using anything else that could be used as a weapon of offence and result in death can be penalised with a fine, three years’ worth of jail, or both.  
  • S.120B OF IPC- Punishment of criminal conspiracy. If this Code does not specifically address the punishment of a criminal conspiracy, then anyone found guilty of conspiring to commit an offence that carries a sentence of death, 2[life imprisonment], or rigorous imprisonment for a term of two years or more will be punished as though they had assisted in the commission of the offence. 
  • S. 323 OF IPC- Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt. Anyone who intentionally causes harm, with the exception of situations covered by section 334, faces a period of imprisonment of any kind up to a year, a fine up to a thousand rupees, or both. 
  • S.504 OF IPC- PINISHMENT FOR INSULTING SOMEONE INTENTIONALLY. Anybody who willfully offends someone and provokes them in the hope that the person will break the peace or commit another crime faces a maximum two-year sentence in either type of jail, a fine, or both.  




The court meticulously solved the issue at hand by observing that the accused person was involved in a widespread daylight murder that resulted in the closure of a market for a prolonged period of ten (10) days due to their overwhelming influence in the area. As a result, in our considered opinion, the High Court ought not to have granted Respondent No. 2 and Punit Pal bail in relation to the proceedings arising from the FIR on account of (i) the seriousness of the crime; (ii) the conduct of the accused person(s); and (iii) the overall impact of the crime on society at large.  

The court held that as a result, the contested orders, dated 24.04.2023 and 31.10.2023 respectively, which granted accused Vivek Pal @ Vikki Pal and Punit Pal bail, cannot be upheld in the previously described circumstances and are now set aside.  

The court, In the above terms, accepted the appeals.  The accused Vivek Pal @ Vikki Pal and Punit Pal’s bail bond(s) were revoked. The person or people mentioned above were placed under custody right away. To facilitate further action and required compliance, a copy of this judgement was sent to the Trial Court in Basti, Uttar Pradesh. The Trial Court was then further instructed to wrap up the case as soon as possible, ideally within a year of receiving a copy of this judgement.   


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Judgment reviewed by Riddhi S Bhora  

Click to view judgment.





Madras High Court Orders Insurance Company to recover Compensation from Insurer.

TITLE: TATA AIG General Insurance Co Ltd  Vs. Saravanan.

Decided On: August 30, 2023.

Civil Miscellaneous Appeal No.626  and C.M.P. No. 4479 of 2022.

CORAM:  Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sunder Mohan.


The deceased Subasakthi was a driver by profession and was driving TATA Ace Vehicle. While he was driving since the cows ran across the road, to avoid hit against them, he turned the vehicle towards left side, the vehicle turned turtle and resulted in the accident. He was initially admitted at Nagapattinam Government Hospital. Subsequently, he was referred to Thiruvarur Medical College Hospital, where he was declared as brought dead. Hence the respondents 1 and 2 filed claim petition claiming compensation against the appellant and the 3rd respondent the appellant/Insurance Company filed counter statement denying all the averments made by the respondents 1 and 2 in the claim petition and stated that the accident had not occurred due to the rash and negligent driving of the 3rd respondent’s vehicle.

Legal Analysis and Decision:

The deceased was the tort-feaser. The evidence adduced before the Tribunal and the fact that the respondents 1 and 2 filed a claim petition under Section 163-A of Motor Vehicles Act confirms the said fact. The Tribunal however, strangely fixed 20% contributory negligence on the deceased after holding that he was the tort-feaser and held that the 3rd respondent and the appellant were liable pay to 80 % of the compensation amount. This finding is without any basis and logic. As stated earlier, as seen from the evidence, the deceased had driven the offending vehicle (TATA Ace Van) in a rash and negligent manner and two persons who travelled in a two wheeler belonging to a third party involved in the accident died.

The fact is that the respondents 1 and 2 were unable to produce driving license of the deceased. The 3rd respondent/employer also could not produce the driving license. On the other hand, the 3rd respondent in his counter statement before the Tribunal had stated that the deceased had misled him and stated that he had valid driving license. Therefore, the finding of the Tribunal that the deceased did not have valid driving license cannot be faulted.

This Court is of the view that the Civil Miscellaneous Appeal deserves to be partly allowed and the compensation awarded by the Tribunal is reduced from 10,57,261/- to Rs.9,01,000/- together with interest rate at 7.5 per annum (excluding the default period if any) from the date of petition till the date the deposit. The appellant is directed to deposit the compensation amount, now determined by this Court within a period of four (4) weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of this Judgment, at the first instance and recover the same from the third respondent.


The Court Concluded that Since the Deceased died in an accident and the respondents are entitle to claim the compensation from the appellant insurance company and recover the same from the insurer 3rd respondent.

“PRIME LEGAL is a full-service law firm that has won a National Award and has more than 20 years of experience in an array of sectors and practice areas. Prime legal fall into a category of best law firm, best lawyer, best family lawyer, best divorce lawyer, best divorce law firm, best criminal lawyer, best criminal law firm, best consumer lawyer, best civil lawyer.”


Click here to view Judgement